Summer's over

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Pacey and Joey were now on they're way home after their magical summer together, the time flew by so fast but at the same time it also felt like an eternity.

They both felt the nerves, so close to home, so close to seeing him again. Every minute closer to home they got the more the anxiety slowly but surely quietly took over them as they were now just waiting. They weren't really talking it was just quite, Joey was clearly way to deep in her head and it was clear what about... or who about.

Pacey wasn't dumb and he knows Joey, she's thinking about him again like he's caught her doing so many times over the Summer, he's never addressed it though and he doesn't plan to now. Pacey acts as if everything was fine like he didn't have a care in the world but that was all it was just act.

Pacey could lie to Joey he could even try to lie to himself but deep down he knew, he knew they were both thinking about him now just like how they both were all Summer.

Dawson Leery, Pacey misses him too but he knows he and Dawson's friendship is over and there's no going back. He's missed Dawson so bad his heart hurts and that wasn't something he was expecting but he knew he felt it.

The only person who can ever make him smile right now and make him forget about the pain is right here with him, but now he can't help but resent her a bit because he knows Dawson will forgive her and she'll still get to be in his life because he'll always love her and never truly want her out of it.
Pacey can't help but wish Dawson felt that way about him, to always love him no matter what. Now he's questioning if he really meant anything to Dawson in the first place. If it was that easy to cut him out off his life forever maybe their friendship was never real to began with.

"Pacey" Joey says tapping him on the shoulder , he doesn't respond now he's the one deep in thought. "PACEY" Joey says again, a little louder and tap a little harder.
When he looks up at her she says "we're here, we're home"

Pacey responds with a deep breath along with an "Okay" but then goes back to his 'all is good' act, he grabs Joey's hand and tries to walk off the boat.

"Pacey" Joey says confused "what about our stuff"

"Right" he responds still clearly in his head "um look how about we take a few things now and come back to get the rest later"

"Alright" Joey says "but it can't be long okay because there's something that I really want to drop off and it's too heavy to walk with for long"

"I can carry it" Pacey says picking up the heavy covered up item "Okay wow, what is this though and who's it for?"

Joey reaches for the item snatching it away from him. "it's just a gift" "for my sister" Joey adds.

"right" Pacey says. He knows she's lying it's probably for Dawson but he doesn't want make it a big deal.

"I'll come back for it later" Joey says slipping the gift back onto the boat and grabbing Pacey's hand with their other hands holding a few bags they decided to bring now.

"Sooo" Pacey starts "what are we gonna tell them?"

"Who? and about what" Joey questions.

"Well you know they're gonna ask"

"Ask what?" Joey said still confused

"Well if we you know, did the deed, alone on a boat all summer"

"No one's gonna ask that Pacey, it's totally rude and also no one's business but ours"

"Okay but lets say they do ask then what?" Pacey continues.

"They won't ask but if they do It depends, just don't go around lying ok"

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