The Lost Pokémon City

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This is a movie in the form of a one-shot.

"Ash, you kid! You got us lost, again!" scolded Iris. Our heroes were on their way to Nimbasa City, home of Ash's next Gym Badge. But Ash has seemed to have taken a wrong turn and got everyone lost.

"Sorry, Iris. I'll get us outta here!"

"You better or else you won't lead ever again, you little kid," she said as she pointed her finger at him.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that?! I'm older than you!" he shouted.

"I'll stop when you stop being a kid!"

"Guys, you need to calm down," Cilan said as an attempt to calm them down.

"SHUT UP, CILAN!" they said in unison.

"You need to stop acting like this, like you're above everyone else, Iris."

"I'm not, I'm saying your such a kid!"

"You're so fust-WOAH!" An arrow flew straight at him. He was able to dodge it but he still got nicked on his cheek.

A bunch of warriors in black armour surrounded them with spears and bows!

"Trespassers! What should we do with them?" asked one warrior.

"Tresspassers? Who are you-" he was cut off by the warrior as he pointed the spear directly to his throat, threatening to slice it.

"Woah, okay! Noted," he said putting up his hands and lifting his head to avoid touching the blade of the spear. He doesn't feel like having a spear through his throat.

"Pikapi! Pika..." It was about to Thunderbolt everyone but Ash told it to stand down.

"I say kill them right now!"

"K-kill us?! That seems a little extreme, right gentlemen?" said Cilan.

"No, we take them to the chief. She'll decide what to do with them."


The warriors lead them to their village, Iris, Pikachu and Cilan were fine, but for some reason, Ash was the only one tied and he still had that spear pointed at his throat.

"Just a question: why am I the only one cuffed? Also why do you have that spear at my throat still?!"

"Shut up or I will cut your tongue out."

"This is favouritism, I swear," he muttered under his breath.

"What did I just say?" he gritted his teeth as pointed the spear closer to his throat.

"It is because you are seen as the leader in your group, therefore the most powerful," said what seemed to be the commander.

"Ha! The leader? He's a little kid."

"Iris, I swear to Arcues-" the warrior put the point of the spear on his neck, it was drawing some blood.

"Akumu! Enough." He listened and finally put the spear down. Ash let out the breath he didn't even know he was holding.

"Thank you," he breathed out. His neck still stung from it, so did his cheek. But at least he didn't have a freaking spear on his neck! But his wrists were still bound - tightly. It was hurting to the point where it burnt. So unfair! But more importantly, he had to find a way to get them all out of here or else they're dead. Literally! Maybe he can try to persuade the chief to not kill them. Well, he had to figure it out because they arrived at the gates.

"We have a couple of trespassers here," told Akumu. The guards let them in not before giving a few stares at the trespassers. Ash knew this was a bad sign. It meant they were screwed. Beyond the gates, the city was beautiful!It was filled with Pokémon and their trainers having fun, not a care in the world. And there were lots of buildings and monuments also. They finally made it to where the chief sat with her Garchomp and what seemed to be her Royal Advisor. She was wearing green armour, had gorgeous brown hair and the most beautiful ocean blue eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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