𖥔 one

12 0 0

ಇ. your fault
"unalive yourself " "you first"

As students walked and chatted around the school while having lunch a few snuck behind the school building to make out with their "lovers" or maybe in the washroom. While some suffered the pain of listening to them while they quietly had their lunch in the stall next door afraid of being discovered and being known as an even bigger "loser."  

In the staff room maybe you'd occasionally see Mr. Park and Ms. An flirting if Mr. Park had the courage to approach her while his colleagues watched and silently cheered him on.

While this happens two students sit in their classroom deciding on who's going to cause todays lunch ruckus through rock, paper and scissors. Lunch ruckus? A casual at Acadia School where a small group of students would daily cause ruckus during lunch while their class president would try and stop them. However on this very day she was absent allowing them to happily cross limits. 

With the combination of their brilliant yet mischievous minds they came up with the idea of pulling the fire alarm and with the help of the microphone in the principal's office which was connected to the speakers throughout the entire school they would announce that students should leave the school and never come back since the school is going to be burned down.

As one unlucky boy yet lucky according to them walked to the principal's office discretely and looked around for any witness he knew that he would be in big trouble, but to him it didn't matter anyways, because how bad could the punishment really be?

Entering the principal's office he locked the door and looked around for the fire alarm and the microphone which connected to all of the school's speakers. As he found both of them he switched on the mic and grabbed a hold of the fire alarm. 

Simultaneously, he pulled the fire alarm and started yelling out loud with a deep and hoarse voice imitating the principal. "EVERYONE RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! THIS SCHOOL IS ON FIRE! I'M VERY SORRY CHILDREN BUT THIS IS THE END! LEAVE THE SCHOOL IMMEDIATELY PLEASE!"

Immediately a girl walked out of the vice principal's office located inside the principal's office worried she was going to die. Recognizing the doer of the act she immediately walked up to him to try and stop but due to his tall height he raised the mic up high and got up on the principal's chair to avoid the girl. Laughing could be heard through the mic as the boy could hear students along with several teachers yelling and running out of the school. As no one knew where the principal was they all believed the act. 

Tired of the boy's act, the short girl got on the table to somewhat get on the boy's level and stole the mic from him. He stared down at her with a smirk amused she had the audacity, strength and more importantly the height to do that. "Oh so we're mad now are we?" said the boy as he bent down slightly to level his eyes with the girl. 

"No, of course not why would we be? Burning down the school is what we learn in class right," replied the girl in an angry and sarcastic manner unaware that her words were caught by the mic announced for everyone in the school to hear, which she didn't realize until the latter took the mic back from her and said "Of course darling, now you're on track." 

As if on cue the principal along with the vice principal including several other teachers walked into the office catching the two red handed. 


One turned around in shock scared for her life while the other turned around slowly like a k-drama character not caring about what's coming next after being slapped in the face by the girl's hair. 

"Unalive yourself," whispered Yejin to the boy next to her as he simply replied with a "you first."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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