A Few Details! (A/N)

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Hey, guys! Welcome to my fanfiction! I am so excited to start the story, but here are a few things you need to know:

Your name: Kina (FEM!)

(known) family members: none, but she is good friends with Trek

Personality: Kina is low-key, but she is very adventurous. She is a Firey. She is also a very good artist and a very good singer. She also likes to read and really likes to play Checkers! :3

Description: Kina has long hair that goes down to her lower back. It fades from Crimson at the top, to orange, then to yellow (like a sunset). She is about 5'0. She is also part Windie! Which means she also has some blue spots on her body. She has one brown eye and one blue eye. (I am sorry if you do not like it, if you like you can have a different picture in mind though I will be basing everything on this one.)

Place of residence: The One Tower

Spirit animal: Shiba Inu 😩🤚

That's all you need to know! See you in Chapter 1!


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