Chapter 1

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Well hello there :)
My name is Maven and here we stan Merddison 🧎🤭 so I decided to write my own story because why not. I don't think I'll ever release it but if you are reading this I guess I got the courage to post it. I hope you enjoy the drama, gayness and medical stuff LMAO.

Meredith's Pov:
"Meredith I'm so sorry.." Derek says looking at me with his McDreamy eyes. I was confused of what was going on as I noticed this tall gorgeous woman walk towards us. She was honestly intimidating..
"Addison.. what are you doing here" he asks the woman and I can hear the panic in his voice. For a moment I forgot how to breathe and the second I took a deep breath I was met by the smell of sweet vanilla.
"Well you would know if you bothered to return any one of my phone calls." The lady said with a smirk on her face.
"Hi? I'm Addison Shepherd." She said reaching out to shake my hand. In that moment my heart dropped a little but I still shook her hand. I took a moment before saying anything.
"Shepherd?" I asked in a confused tone.
"And you must be the woman who's been screwing my husband" she says pointing to me and then to Derek. I was completely mortified at that moment and I was also hurt. He was married and I had no idea. I felt sick.
"Mer.." is all he was able to say before I went running out the hospital.
Addison's Pov:
"You had no right!" Derek yelled he was definitely angry.
"Derek I know I messed up but you never paid attention! That night was the first time you notice me. A-and now you're just giving up on me o-on us our house our life. How old is she Derek she looked like a kid!" I yelled back. I was hurt..cheating was what it took for my husband to notice me.
That whole week before it happened all I got from him was a "good morning","goodnight" and a story about his surgery that day if I was lucky. He interacted with our maid more than he did with me.
"You ruined our marriage! You did!" Is all he yelled at me before running after the pretty blonde. I couldn't believe that he went to comfort her and I can't believe she brought the water works. She chose to sleep with a married man what did she expect! With that confrontation being over I wiped the tears from my cheeks and made my way to my hotel.
Meredith's pov:
"HE'S MARRIED" Cristina
asked angrily pacing around the room with her arms crossed.
"What is it with guys really how are they all cheating lying McBastards!" Izzie said with a shocked look as she sat on my bed.
"Well-" George tried to speak.
"Gorge I will hurt you" Izzie said stopping him from saying anything else.
"I just want to be alone and sleep" my voice sounded hoarse because of all the crying and it sounded muffled because of the pillow I was curled into.
"Yell if you need anything" Izzie said rubbing my leg before getting up and leaving with George. Cristina stopped pacing and looked at me. She walked over to the bed and sat on it.
"Call me ok.. if you need anything" Cristina says as she walks towards the door.
"Stay" I mumbled.
"But you said-" I didn't let her finish her sentence.
"I wanna be alone with you now are you gonna stay or not?" I said now sitting up on the bed looking at my person with fresh new tears running down my face. She gave me a sad smile before taking off her shoes and getting into bed with me. She made herself comfortable before wrapping her arms around me making me lay my head on her chest.
"You are going to be ok" she said softly and I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.
"Thank you" I mumbled before drifting off to sleep still crying.
Cristina's Pov:
"Mer wake up you are going to be late for pre-rounds" I told my person in a frustrated tone.
"I'm not going" the blonde said harshly.
"Ok Mer I know you are feeling dark and twisty right now but you can't let that man ruin your career" I tried to plead with her.
"What's the point!?" She said giving me a look that gave me shivers. She looked broken.
"Meredith... you are an amazing talented surgeon so you are going to get up. Get your shit together and go save lives" I say keeping my grown.
"Go without me" she says not giving me eye contact. And with that I was done I'm not letting my person do this to herself because of stupid Derek.
I stood up on the bed and started shoving her over with my foot until she was off the bed.
"Get dress and eat" I said now looking at my best friend searching through her clothes. I then made my way down.
"You look rough Yang" Alex says as he takes a bite of his bagel and then puts it down. I didn't stay anything instead I took his bagel and started to eat.
"Guys let's not fight at 4am" Izzie mumbled between bites.
"What's wrong with you two" Bambi questioned looking at the two girls.
"Mer was crying all night so I didn't get any sleep. And I'm assuming Izz didn't get much ether considering her room is right next to Mer's" Cristina said with a yawn. The room went silent as Meredith entered the kitchen.
"Do you want anything for breakfast bagel, cereal or pancakes?" Izzie asked Meredith.
"I'm not hungry" Mer said standing there looking exhausted.
"Come on Grey you look like death you need to eat something" Alex stated. I didn't say anything but hit Alex on the side of the head instead.
"Me and Mer will ride together. See you guys later" I say as I grab my persons hand and we make our way out to her car.
Addison's Pov:
I walked confidently down the hospital halls. I kept my head high and put a nice professional smile on my face. But on the inside all I wanted was to cry with a glass of tequila and a warm bubble bath. So far I found out the girls name was Meredith Grey and of course she had to be Ellis in the Grey method's daughter. And to make it even better she was an intern a 25 year old intern. Apparently rumours say she didn't know he was married but I don't care she was still the adulteress bitch. But I needed to scope her out so I requested her as my intern for the week.
"Dr. Grey" I said in a monotone walking to the nurses station where she was standing.
"Dr. S-Shepherd" she said in a way that suggests she hated calling me Shepherd. For a second I almost felt bad her eyes were a cloudy blue and all the sparkle that was there yesterday before I introduced myself was gone.
"Our first case is a mom who has been complaining of headaches and shortness of breath" Dr. Grey says which pulls me out of my thoughts.
"Well let's go then" I say motioning Grey to lead the way.
"Stephanie Walmer, 32 weeks along struggling with constant headaches and shortness of breath " Dr. Grey says presenting the case.
"Is my baby ok" the patient asked nervously.
"Well Ms. Walmer whatever is happening me and Dr. Grey will make sure you and your child are safe" I say reassuring the patient.
"Grey please take some blood for blood cultures as well as some urine for the labs and then check Ms. Walmer's blood pressure" I instructed Grey as I started the ultrasound.
"Baby's heart beat is nice and strong" I say with a reassuring smile as I then checked the sound of her lungs.
"Her blood pressure is high" Dr. Grey says quietly to me. I look over to the monitor and see that her pressure is 140/90 mm Hg which was not good.
"Is everything ok?" Ms. Walmer asked
"We have some concerns about your blood pressure and combined with the shortness of breath Im concerned about possible Preeclampsia but we won't know until we get the labs back so till then just take some deep breaths and try to stay calm" I explained with a soft smile.
"You can fix it right the pre-preeclampsia" Ms. Walmer asked looking terrified. After a few minutes of talking with Ms. Walmer, Dr. Grey was paged and I went to my new office to settle in until the results of the lab came in.
"Are you settling in ok?" Chief Webber asked me as he entered my office.
"I am, thanks Richard" I said politely.
"I heard you requested Doctor Grey on your service how is that going" he asked confused of my decision.
"Good, keep your friends close and your enemies closer right" I answer back.
"You know Meredith really didn't know about yours and Derek's relationship he lied to her" Webber tells me.
"Richard I'm grateful for the job opportunity but I don't want to discuss my broken marriage right now" I say emotionless even tho I really wanted to cry. I almost felt bad for her.. she was lied to and got her heart broken. But I shouldn't care I mean why would I care about her. She was young and beautiful it made me kinda sick.
"Ok well let me know if you need anything Addie" Webber said before leaving. And just as I was about to get lost in my thoughts I got paged 911.
"What's happening" I asked rushing in the room seeing Ms. Walmer having a seizure.
"I don't know she just started seizing I already pushed one vial of anti-seizure meds but nothing is happening she won't stop" Dr. Grey explained sounding terrified.
"My wife- I-I just got here! Omg please save her" the husband cried in despair.
"How long has she been seizing?" I asked
"Almost 3 minutes" Dr. Grey explained and that was definitely bad so I quickly admitted more meds and paged neurology for an emergency consultation. And of course a minute later Derek enters the room.
"How long has she been seizing" Dr. Shepherd asked me and Dr. Grey.
"Around 5 minutes" Dr. Grey says nervously.
"Damn it why wasn't I paged sooner" he said frustrated.
"We administered two vials of anti-seizure medication that's exactly what you would've done" I say defensively and then the patient finally stopes seizing.
"She stoped is she ok!?" The husband immediately asks. Dr. Shepherd didn't answer and instead started examining the patient and looking for pupil reflexes. And I could tell just by his body language it was bad.
"I'm sorry Mr. Walmer.." he starts.
"NO NO OOMG NO" Mr. Walmer breaks down.
"Mr. Walmer I know this is unbelievably heartbreaking but we need to deliver the baby right now and we need your consent" I explain.
"YES please save our little girl" he confirms and with that we rushed to the OR.
"Dr. Shepherd it's been 20 minutes" Dr. Grey said as I was focusing on giving cpr to this tiny lifeless baby.
"I don't care! charge the paddles!" I say aggressively. I was absolutely terrified of losing both the mom and the baby. This wasn't supposed to happen I saw patients with preeclampsia all the time and everything happened so fast.
"Dr. Shepherd.." Dr. Grey said quickly and quietly.
"Time of death 14:32" I announced before running out of the OR and into the closest on-call room I could find. The second I entered the room I ripped off my gloves and scrub cap as I was feeling claustrophobic.
"How did this Happen!" I shouted before sitting on the bed and letting the tears fall. Everything that has happened in the last two days hit me. I haven't let myself feel it and now I couldn't stop. I couldn't catch my breath and started to hyperventilate.
"Dr. Shepherd.. Addison you need to take deep breaths" I heard Grey say as she sat next to me. I couldn't stop and the crying and hyperventilating was turning into a full blown panic attack.
"Addison look at me.. try to breathe with me" the blonde tried to comfort me but it didn't work I was too worked up.
Meredith's Pov:
I was confused and terrified seeing the tall gorgeous red head in this state. I tried to breathe with her and comfort her but it didn't work so I tried my last option. I quickly wrapped my arms tightly around her to calm down her nervous system. For the first few seconds she tried to fight me off but then she gave up and held onto my scrub tightly. I gently brushed her hair with my fingers and took the opportunity to breathe in that intoxicating vanilla smell. I got lost in my thoughts untill I heard the sound of the door open.
"A-Addison.. um Meredith?" I heard a confused Derek say as he entered the room. And immediately Addison let go of me and stood up.
"Derek I'm not in the mood not now!" She says as she wipes her face ones more.
"Addie I was looking for you the nurse said you were upset" he said calmly walking towards her. In that moment I felt my breathing get uneven and I truly felt nauseous. A wave of jealousy hit me. Why was he being so nice to her!? What about me a day ago we were in love or at least I was...
Well that's chapter one for y'all let me know what you think :D

You're like a breath of fresh vanilla airOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz