Part 1 - Gotham's Founding

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In the mid-late 1600s the land that would become Gotham was settled by Scandinavian explorers. At that time the islands that make up central Gotham were primarily run by a Native American Tribe, the Miagani. 

The Miagani had started off as the "Deer People" but after an experience with a mystical bat-person, they changed their name to "Bat People" and took up residence in caves and hollows, with their most sacred sight being the very cave the "Man of Bats" had come from. 

After several conflicts with the Miagani, and multiple semi-mystical being, the Scandinavian settlers sold the camp away to the British. When the British took hold of it they changed its name to "Gotham Town"

Soon after the British took hold of the colony a few families grew in prominence. 
- The Crowne family, led by Oliver Crowne was the leader of the British expedition and was the son of a noble man. He was the Leader of the Colony. 
- The Cobblepot family, led by Oskar Cobblepot. After fleeing from Britian he used shrewd business skills to become one of the wealthiest men in all of Gotham Town. He also opened the First Bank of Gotham
- The Kane family, led by Joshua Kane. A Military leader who hoped to bring law and order to Gotham Town, and drive away the Natives. 
-The Wayne Family, led by Nathaniel Wayne, who was a priest and witch-finder, coming to Gotham to lead it spiritually, and to lead witch-hunts. 

Due to these four families Gotham Town began to flourish, soon becoming a major port and fishing city. 

When the Revolutionary war came around Gotham Town was a large and prosperous city. Due to its leaders by the Crowne's it was still heavily under British control however. Yet the Wayne brothers would soon change that. 

Anthony and Darius Wayne, sons of Nathaniel Wayne, were strong believers in American Independence. Together they led a battle to free Gotham from the grasp of the British. During the Battle Anthony charged the enemy like an angry bull, granting him the nickname, "Mad." Due to their patriotic acts, the Wayne brothers were given a plot of land on the mainland. On that land Darius built what would one day be known as Wayne Manor. 

Due to their connection with the British, the Crowne family was cast out of Gotham Town, and their family was largely replaced with the Elliots. After the battle the four families of Gotham helped rebuild much of it. 

Gotham didn't truly begin to flourish until the rise of Solomon Wayne, and Cyrus Pinkney. Which we will get to in the next part. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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