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The night began innocently enough. Laughing and chatting, I was surrounded by my friends: Iris, Leo, and Noah. We huddled beneath the dark bridge, our secret hideout, as the clock ticked closer to midnight. But little did we know, the stillness of the night was about to be shattered by a terrifying turn of events.

Leo's demeanor shifted suddenly as he asked to speak with me alone. A sense of unease settled in my stomach, but I reluctantly agreed. As we moved away from the group, Leo's hand slipped into his pocket and pulled out a gleaming metallic green pocket knife.

The knife was like a sliver of emerald caught in the moonlight, sharp and dangerous as it glinted in Leo's hand. The green hue only added to its mystique and ominous presence.

Leo's hands were trembling as he stood over me, a glint of something dangerous in his eyes. We had been friends for years, but at that moment, I couldn't shake the feeling that I no longer knew him. My mind raced with memories of our friendship, but they were overshadowed by the fear of what he might do next. "You wouldn't hurt me, right?" I whispered, not even sure if I believed my own words.

Leo's grip on the knife tightened, his knuckles turning white. A twisted smile played at the corners of his lips, betraying the sinister thoughts that consumed him. "Oh, my dear Jacob," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "You always thought you knew me so well. But you have no idea what I'm capable of."

Time seemed to stand still as his words echoed through the air, suffocating me with a sense of impending doom. Panic welled up inside me, urging me to run, but I was frozen in place. The weight of Leo's betrayal crushed my spirit, replacing my trust with a profound sense of betrayal.

In a flash of fury, Leo raised the pocket knife and plunged it into my chest with a sickening thud. My cry was choked off as the sharp blade sliced through flesh and bone, sending searing pain through my entire body. Blood gushed from the wound, staining my shirt and pooling on the ground beneath me. As I struggled to breathe, I could feel my life slipping away in that split second of brutal violence.

As I drifted into darkness, the last twisted image in my mind was Leo's smug grin...

My eyes snap open to the sensation of cold, wet grass beneath me. I sit up in a panic, searching for any signs of Leo or the bridge, but all I see are towering trees surrounding me on all sides. Confusion and fear flood my mind as I try to piece together how I ended up in this unknown place. The silence is deafening, broken only by the sound of my own heartbeat pounding in my ears. How did I get here? And more importantly, how am I going to get out?

My hand trembles as I press it against the gaping wound where Leo's knife had sliced through my flesh. Hot blood gushes out, but I can feel the flow starting to slow down. The crimson liquid coats my hand, staining it a vivid red. I grit my teeth against the pain and will myself to stay conscious, desperate to survive this brutal attack.

My eyes frantically scan the unfamiliar surroundings, searching for any sign of familiarity. But there is no trace of Iris, Noah, or even Leo. Did Leo lure me to this desolate place after stabbing me? I can't see a single indication of the town we were in before. Fear grips my heart as I realize I am completely lost and alone in this unknown forest.

I dragged my battered body off the ground with every ounce of strength left in me, and sprinted blindly into the darkness, desperate to escape this living nightmare. My mind was consumed with primal fear, not caring where my feet were taking me as long as it was far away from this hellish torment

In agony, I staggered towards a small, dilapidated shack. Every step felt like hot coals burning through my skin. With a final burst of determination, I pushed open the creaky door and stumbled inside, collapsing onto the dirt floor in exhaustion.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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