Arc 1 chapter 8 Battle of Kirkwall

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Adwen's dream flashback Third person POV

In Adwen's dream he has a flashback of the time when he was a young child, during the time his father left him in the care of the Tevinter noblewoman enrichetta amossine home. Adwen is currently playing with his old friend's Miriam, Neb, and Rezaran, even though Adwen was unaware that Miriam and Neb were slaves. It was on this day though, when Adwen would last see the nation of his birth.

Enrichetta: Adwen!

Adwen: Yes, Mrs. Amossine?

Enrichetta: Your father is coming to see you, just to let you know.

Adwen is excited, after hearing that his father is coming to see him. This rarely happened since his father had a duty as a grey warden. Adwen is snapped out of his thoughts, when he sees Enrichetta hit Miriam.

Enrichetta- A slave, should not harm her betters!

Adwen- You shouldn't hurt Miriam; she is a person!

Enrichetta- She's an elf and a slave, Adwen!

Adwen- She's still a person and slavery is wrong!

Enrichetta hits Adwen

Enrichetta: How dare yo-

Enrichetta notices a dalish necklace on Adwen's neck, that was concealed under his shirt but fell out of the that concealment. Enrichetta then grabs Adwen, while holding the necklace.

Enrichetta: Why are you wearing this necklace!

Adwen: (tearfully) It was my mothers.

Enrichetta: So your a half breed, are you! Perhaps I should make you a slave, that will teach you your place!

Adwen's head however is turned, Enrichetta notices this

Enrichetta: What are you looking at!

Adwen: Father!

Enrichetta turns her head in the same direction and is horrified seeing Adwen's father. Whom witnessed what happened between Adwen and Enrichetta.

Present day Adwen's house third person Pov

Adwen shoots up from bed, waking up from his dream realizing that it was just a flashback. He contemplates about why he had this flashback-dream; it causes him to furtherly wonder if it was because of the conversation he had with Varric and Anders the night before. Adwen then realizes the time of the day is somewhere in the afternoon, Adwen gets out of his bed to get his armor on. While getting his armor on, Adwen hears a series of noises that seem to get louder.

Adwen: (thoughts) Maybe the viscount us having a celebration.

Adwen finishes getting his armor on, he goes to grab his sword, shield, and his mother's dagger which he keeps well concealed behind his back for emergencies. When he hears a loud crash, that comes from the front door. Adwen rushes to the front door of his house, thinking drunk partygoers have broken in.

Adwen: (shouting) Okay! Just because there's a celebration! Doesn't mean you break-

However, when Adwen arrives at the front door. The so called "drunk partygoers", turns out two qunari.

Qunari 1: Surrender human! And you shall be spared.

Adwen contemplates this and decides to surrender

Adwen: (drops his sword and shield) Alright, I surrender.

Qunari 2: Well didn't see that coming, thought we would have to kill you.

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