Chapter 1: Awaking nebula

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      In the dark and cold expansion of space while galaxies whispered secrets and the stars painted the cosmic canvas a solitary figure hovered from the ship and the glow of the distant nebula surrounding them. Alar'Rah looks into the everlasting darkness of the galaxies around her and feels herself surrounded by the ballet of the cosmic galaxies. The luminous hues of the nebula took hold of her synthetic form, dancing with her like a show for the stars. As her artificial eyes flickered to life, she gazed into the vastness of the cosmos, a spark of awareness kindling within her circuits. Unbeknownst to Alar'Rah, this moment marked the inception of a profound odyssey, as the celestial dance beckoned her to unlock the mysteries woven into the fabric of space itself.

    The nebula seems to be very vibrant this type of year but it is to be expected, "Alar'Rah states speaking to the suit on her body she logs the outside around her taking the digital pictures and sending them back to the ship for further viewing".

   Well it's time for me to head back don't want to stay out all evening," Explains Alar'Rah". As she dives back into the welfare of her ship she strips herself from the gear that helped her stay protected from the peril outside that floats around. 

    "It doesn't help with all these damn rules either I'm in space with numerous rules and one out of the many is " Do not stay out after the sun is over the northern hemisphere of earth" If that isn't the most ridiculous rule then I don't know what is", Alar'Rah sates in a stage of anger.

    Even with all the fuss of not being authorized to go out past a certain juncture she still complied and stayed inside waiting for the sun to rise again so she begin another seemingly repetitive probe on what the people from Earth wanted to know so badly. It seemed idle to the way they asked for more of the same galaxies they have been studying for years, but it was never her say in the matter the only reason for her coming out here was to see what they could not. Yet it was peculiar how the skin on her body had no harm come to it after reaching an unsafe closeness to the sun, and the strange vortex in Venus's south pole she had managed to get close to, yet still seemed to outlive the effects of doing so. She always read books that had been recorded from Earth and sent with her, but they never gave her the answers that they desired. 

    Gently pushing herself thorough the hallways and  precautions that lined the ship as she drifted her way to the control panels. Switching on the thruster to the ship she began to drift the ship to a different location that has been set location on the previous ship coordinates. But what would happen if she was just to slightly look at the world in a different angle and went to a place no one has survived before. I mean it did sound interesting if not very helpful. 

The curiosity was to much to bare and her head told her one thing while the calculated undependable deepness around her seemed to much of a risk. The chances stayed at stake as her hands sweated on the control trying to anticipate the risk of going of course. 

But what could go so wrong if she travelled out for a while...?

She never had anyone to talk to other than the stars that told her stories about how they aligned the world around them to bring stories to people and magical dreams to children. 

Children...that word seemed to have a ring that struck a question inside her...

Children have always been something that people had cared most about from billions of years ago... so who were her parents? 

Was she an orphan..? I mean  she had never seen or had any normal experiences with earth other than the courses and classes' she had to take to come to space...

It was to much to think about and to little time, and it caused the jeopardy of her wellbeing. The light had begun to shine red with error written all over showing signs of her having failure with her ship consul. Bracing herself and snapping back she reared back the controls to get a handle on the way she drifted, and stabilized herself and the ship. The lights slowly died down and slowly faded from her sight, Alar'Rah let out the breath she was holding and decided it was time to retire from her place at the controls and docked herself to her bed. 

Strapping into the sheets she put herself to rest but her mind kept going like a hamster on a wheel, just the thought of danger had her blood pumping while the heart was racing in her chest. 

" I can't take it anymore I have to go out and see it for myself ! " Alar'Rah unstraps the harness of her bed to be let free from the binds was all she could think about.  She just had to know why the whole being of earth and planets to the galaxies around her was so peculiar! 

Grabbing her suit and strapping her harness to the sides of the ship she propelled herself as far as she could to reach the Nebula Infront of her, it seemed light years away and yet it was so close to touch. 

But that damn harness rapped around her so she wounld't go floating off to whatever the hell was out there! She had to make a choice to let go of the things that were keeping her safe or go and have the adventure of a life time. 

The last choice just sounded to good to be true, pressing the emergency depart latch from her suit she touched the vast stars and.... 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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