🌌🀄️[:] Chapter Six [:]🀄️🌌

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[:]|| No Ones POV ||[:]


You, the kids, and Tomayo kept walking through the forest. After a bit you all got to a waterfall that was atleast 50-70 miles away from the burning kingdom. Tomayo smiled at you as he made sure you and the kids followed.

"Come now, just behind the falls." He spoke softly. The kids walked behind him as Tomayo made sure to hold the baby to give you a rest. You sighed and leaned against the rock a little bit made sure to keep up.

Once behind the falls you walked through the cave tunnel that leaded further down. The kids were scared and clung onto Tomayo as he soothed them. You followed but kept looking back.

It was understandable why you were so paranoid. All the crap that has happened in the last 5 days? It was enough to drive anyone crazy. No matter how sane or tough they are...

You shake your head of thoughts as you guys finally made it through the cave. You sighed seeing the others were mostly unharmed. The same could not be said for the humans though. The humans were all injured, hungry, and tired.

Elf's we're helping them as best they could while the humans needed to rest. The humans were so thankful for the elf's. They never yelled at us or took our kindness for granted. Well... most of them at least.

The nobles, no matter what species, were always fucking snobs.

You sighed as you saw a noble elf and noble human were fighting over a piece of bread. Tomayo rolled his eyes and split them up with his magic, knocking their heads together. This caused both of them to be dizzy and fall to the ground.

"Quit fighting like a bunch of children... we already have very little food as it is.." Tomayo frowned. The two nobles looked down feeling ashamed of what they were doing. They got up and dusted themselves off before snapping the bread in half and sharing .

You smiled a little at this. At least they still know how to share and not let fear get to them. You sighed softly as you looked around more. Tents were already up and food was cooking over a fire.

A few kids were playing but they seemed tired. It would be suspicious if anyone else wasn't at least a bit tired. They just outran death itself.

You then go to an empty tent. 'I guess the others were thinking about me still..' you thought. You placed your bag down and laid out a sleeping bag for yourself. After that you plopped down on it and sighed.

You starred up at the ceiling thinking to yourself. "If I had just covered my scent.." you whimpered quietly. A few tears threatened to fall. You felt that all this was your fault.

The thought of your family and friends in danger just because of your mistake. That alone made you curl into a ball of shame.

Just then a throat cleared from behind you. Your head snapped to look back at Tomayo as he frowned. "It is not your fault [Y/N]... anyone could have made that mistake.." he tried to reason.

You look down at your hands as you fiddled with them, crying and hiccuping. "B-But if I had just r-remembered to cover m-my damn scent none of this... w-would be happening right now. It's all my fault! You should kick me out.." you managed.

Tomayo plucked the back of your head as you held it in pain. "Quit talking nonsense, we also found out the actual reason why your scent was removed." Tomayo said.

You looked at him in shock. "W-what do you mean by my scent was removed?.." you asked, now clearing your tears. Tomayo sighed and looked dead into your eyes. "We found a traitor.." he sighed.


[:]|| [Y/N]'s POV ||[:]


'Wait what?... a traitor? As in more then one...' I thought. "W-who was it?.." I asked. Tomayo just outstretched a hand to me to help me up. I took and he cleared my face for me as we went out of the tent.

As I went out I saw an elf tied to a wooden pole. He looked like a witch about to be burned at the stake.

The sound of loud yelling pulled me from my little trance. The other elf's and humans threw trash and rotten food at the elf. Tomayo walked up onto the stage, avoiding anything that was thrown.

He put his hand up and everyone silenced. No one dared to throw another item at all. "My dear people, I know you are upset and angry but, please know this elf will be punished accordingly..." Tomayo reassured. The people cheered happily that the elf was going to punished.

I knew that the punishment for being a traitor was banishment. Though it always seemed so wrong to treat our own kind differently.

As I looked up at the elf, I realize it's not a he but a she. Her curves weren't seen from a far distance. I had never seen her except once when she was walking out of a ball.

She was quiet all the time. No one would ever realize she was there. She was like me except she was easier to swoon. If she wasn't, then she wouldn't have been a traitor.

The traitor looked down at me with pleading eyes, but I turned away. No way in hell was I going to help someone who literally helped with our downfall...


[:]|| To Be Continued ||[:]


My bright and shining Fireworks and Firecrackers! I'm so sorry about this update being late but I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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