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I woke up, and felt like death, which wasn't that unusual for me.

My chest burned. I felt like I had been stabbed. I felt dizzy. My vision was blurry. My ears rang. I heard whispers in my head. Panicked voices, getting louder and louder. I shut my eyes tightly, and the voices stopped.

I tried to remember everything about myself. My name was Niccoló di Angelo. I was fourteen years old. My birthday was January 28th, 1924. I was a demigod, son of Hades, god of the dead. I had a mother named Maria di Angelo, and an older sister named Bianca di Angelo. I lived at Camp Half - Blood year - round. Thank the gods, I thought. At least I don't have amnesia.

     But I wasn't super sure. I tried to remember what had happened before I had fallen asleep, but my mind went blank. I couldn't remember anything about the last few days. What was going on?

     I winced as I tried to sit up. As soon as I moved, the burning in my chest intensified. It felt as if I was on fire. As soon as I made noise, I heard quick footsteps running around in the room next to me. Someone was here. I clutched my chest, where I found a ton of bandages wrapped around it under the camp T - shirt I wore. It was stained a gross red. I stared at it for a moment once I was able to sit up. I wanted to call out for someone, anyone, but my voice wouldn't work. All that came out was a raspy whisper.

     A teenage boy rushed into the room I was in. A very pretty teenage boy. He had tanned skin and curly honey blond hair that almost covered his bright blue eyes. A band - aid covered one of his rosy cheeks. He had freckles all over his face. He wore an orange Camp Half - Blood T - shirt, and baggy jeans that went down to his ankles. He wore brown combat boots that had wings on the heels. And he seemed to be... glowing? He was perfect, and looked very kind. I knew we wouldn't get along well.

     He stared at me, his eyes wide and filled with tears. I blinked, a bit uneasy. The teen ran up to me, and wrapped his arms around my neck. Who was this teen? Did I know him? I pulled away, confused. He seemed very upset about that. He wiped his teary eyes, and grabbed my hand. I could feel my face flush.

     " Nico! Oh, my gods, I'm so happy to see you! We thought you had died! " He hugged me again. I stared at him, and tried to remember his name, but I couldn't. I really didn't remember him, but he seemed to know me. I didn't know what to do. He cried into my shoulder. Finally, he let go. " Here. Drink this. " He handed me a drink that looked like apple juice. I seriously doubted it was apple juice, though.

     I took a sip, and recoiled at the taste. It was... Weird. It certainly wasn't apple juice. That was for sure. It almost tasted like... McDonald's? What the Hades was that?

     " Weird. " My voice was raspy and quiet, and it hurt to speak. The teen nodded at me, smiling. I looked around the room. It looked like a nurse's office. Was this guy a nurse? I wanted to ask who he was, but I knew it would make him really sad that I didn't remember him.

     " How do you feel, Nico? Are you hurting? " He sounded genuinely worried. I noticed that he still held my hand. My face turned red as I pulled my hand away. I put a thumbs down at his question. My chest was hurting very badly. I wanted to know what had happened. Maybe he would tell me.

     " My... M - my chest. It burns, " I mumbled. The teen's face turned pale. He mumbled to himself in Ancient Greek, his eyes full of pain. " What happened? Why am I... here? "

     He frowned. " You don't remember. That's... not good. Really not good. " He sighed, and stared at the wooden floor. " You were on a quest with some other campers — Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood, and me. You spoke to the ghost of your sister, Bianca di Angelo, and she told us to go to the Underworld. That she would meet us there. We... we met her outside the gates of Hades's palace. She spoke to you. That she was proud of you. But once she disappeared, the enemy, Luke Castellan, he... " He balled his fists. " He stabbed you. " He pointed to the wound on my chest. A stab wound. " The sword was covered in poison. It immediately knocked you out. Hades sent me and you back to camp, and you've been here for... " He didn't finish.

     " How did... How did I not die? " He shook his head, an angry expression on his face, like he was still thinking of Luke. " How long have I been here? And where is here? "

     The glowing boy shrugged at my first question. " I don't know. No one does. Maybe because the poison was from the Underworld, and you're a child of Hades. I'm not sure. " He frowned as I asked where I was. He pointed to a poster on the wall. It had a picture of a pegasus with the words Camp Half - Blood printed on the top in bold, capital letters. It had the same design as the shirts me and the other boy wore. " Camp Half - Blood, " he said, " a safe place for demigods like me and you. You do know you're a demigod, right? " I nodded.

    He faced the wall before answering the next question. He pulled out a spall notepad out of the pockets of his jeans. He handed it to me, and my eyes widened. Multiple dates were scrawled down on each page, and there were a lot of pages. The teen took the notepad back before I could count the days. " Two months and twenty-two days. I counted. " He hugged me again, his arms around my neck. " I've waited for you for forever, di Angelo. Forever. "

     He sighed and pulled away. " What do you remember, Nico? Before you were knocked out? "

     " I... I don't know. Not much. I know my name— Niccoló di Angelo. I know about my family — Maria and Bianca di Angelo. And my father, Hades. But... I... " I stared at the boy, trying to find an okay way to tell him I didn't remember him. He locked eyes with me, and understood.

     His eyes started watering up again. " Oh. Oh... That... Okay. I... " He didn't know what to say. I didn't either. Tears starting rolling down his face. " We - Well, I am — I was your best friend. Will Solace. " He extended his hand for me to shake. I didn't take it. " I'm one of the best healers at camp. I... I healed your stab wound. " I took his hand. He deserved that much if he saved my life. " Kind of a poor job, though. The poison... It was too hard to completely heal. But somehow, you survived. "

     Another teen, probably about my age, rushed into the room. She had short dirty blond hair that was dyed green and the ends. She wore the same camp T - shirt as me and the other teen. She wore ripped jean shorts and had brown boots, and leather fingerless gloves. A quiver was strapped to her back, filled with arrows. Her left arm was wrapped in bandages. She was glowing as well, just like Will. She smiled at him.

     " Hey, doctor! Time for dinner. I'll save you a spot next to me, 'kay? "

     Will wiped his teary eyes, to seem like he hadn't been crying. " Hey, Kayla. I'll be there in a few minutes. And... uh, can you tell Chiron that... that Nico's awake? He'd want to know. "

     Kayla nodded and gave him a thumbs up. She had a smile on her face, but her eyes showed that she was worried about Will. " You got it, Sunshine. " She smiled and waved at me before leaving the room.

      " Who was that? " I asked.

      Will smiled, staring at the door. " My half - sister. Kayla Knowles, daughter of Apollo. She's pretty cool. " He sighed, and faced me. " Can you stand ? "

      I shrugged. I sat up straight, and managed to get one leg off of the bed. I tried to set my other foot onto the wooden floors, but immediately wobbled and fell down.

      Will managed to catch me before I fell to the floor. He grabbed my arms, and got me to my feet. His hands moved to my shoulders. I could feel my face heat up. Will's cheeks flushed, too, which only made mine worse. He smiled.

      Slowly, he lifted his hands from my shoulders. I wobbled a bit, but I was able to stand up. " Yes, I can stand . " Will smiled.

       " Nice, " he said, and grabbed my wrist. " Let's hurry to dinner. Chiron will want to see you. "


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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