The Chaotic Perfect Day

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Entry for the 2024 Valentines Writing Awards 

(A/N:  Ngl I accidently forgot about the whole thing sry

Leo's P.O.V

The lovebirds' day had finally arrived.  And who better to be in charge of the last-minute details than me?  Piper and Hazel were with Annabeth getting ready, which left me, Jason, Frank, Reyna, Will, Nico, Rachel, and Calypso to finish and make sure everything was ready.  

Percy was with Tyson doing who knows what, but as long as they were here before Annabeth walked down the aisle, I didn't care where he was.  

"Jason, you're on cake and food duty,"  I said.  "Reyna, double check the decorations.  Frank, make sure the guests are settled.  Will, go check on the photographer.  And Nico, make sure Aqua Man didn't get cold feet or anything.  And Sunshine, please check on the flowers."  

Everyone set off to do their assignments and I looked down at the checklist, crossing each thing off as I inspected everything.  

There were strings of lights over the ceiling inside the tent that led outside to where the ceremony would be.  Of course, Water Boy got a blue cake, and most decorations were blue, including some of the roses.  But Annabeth made sure that she had plenty of white and gold decorations.  

Though I'm pretty sure we had to spray-paint the roses blue.  


I turned to see Hazel and Piper had both called me.  They both wore gold bridesmaid dresses that just barely stayed above the floor.  Beauty Queen's hair held a single gold and white feather twisted into a small braid.  Hazel's hair was down in tamed curls with the front pulled back.  

"What's up, ladies?"  

"The photographer wants to do the first touch pictures,"  Piper said at the same time Hazel said,  "where's Percy?"  

"Aqua Man isn't here,"  I told them.  "I don't know where he is-"  

Piper glared daggers.  "What do you mean he isn't here?"  

"Uh, well, he left with Tyson, like, an hour ago?"  

Just then the Lord of Darkness returned, his clothes soaking wet.  He didn't look in the talking mood, but Hazel and Piper went over to him anyway and questioned him about Percy.  I went to go check on Jason, who had everything ready and in tip-top shape with the cake.  

But not with the food.  

The food was all burnt, not one thing spared from the oven.  I told Jason to go out and make the fastest trip to the grocery store like his life depended on it, cause it kinda did.  Annabeth would kill us if even one thing was wrong.  

My Sunshine had everything perfect with the flowers, like I expected.  I peeked through the curtain to see Frank going row to row, checking on guests and making sure they were seated right.  A few of the chairs were sinking into the sand, but other than that everyone was fine.  

Will came back with a camera.  "The photographer ditched,"  he said.  "Last-minute quest by the gods."  

"You've got to be kidding me,"  I muttered.  

"What do you mean the photographer ditched?"  Piper asked, coming back towards us.  "We were just with him!"  

"Well, he's gone now,"  Will told her.  

Jason came in running, sweat pouring down his suit and his blonde hair blown back like he flew, which he probably did.  He held up half destroyed bags of food.  Piper's eye twitched and Hazel crossed her arms, not satisfied.  

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