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Prompt: Change POV & move

POV: 2nd


              There are screams all around. They echo in your ears until they ring. The air is so cold it feels warm, and it hurts your nose as you breath in and out slowly. Smells of all sorts intrude your senses. Sweet smells of cotton candy and salty flashes of popcorn are present all around you. Your vision. Its dark but its only noon. That would be explained by your eyelids being shut tight. You slowly unbar your eyes and lift them to see a great blue sky. Honey rays of sun, shine through bright, white clouds and make you want to close your eyes, but you don’t. You simply look and look. You inspect the pollen particles in the tiny rays of sun. Birds fly into your view in a V formation, although its lopsided. Its never a perfect V. You smile widely and begin to inch forward with your head still tilted up to the sky. You see planes pass by leaving behind their white exhaust and sorrow. In these moments you

hear nothing but the sounds of nature. You hear birds and crickets conversing in their own little worlds. You close your eyes again once more but this time it isn’t dark. Its extraordinary. Reds, yellows and bright blues flood your closed eyes. Its almost as if nothing has changed since you closed them. As you are basking in the hotspots appreciating the scenery that your mind has constructed, you are interrupted by a shove to the right shoulder. All of a sudden you can hear again. The roller coaster bangs and screams. People chewing and talking loudly. The street music playing not too far away. Too loud. You snap open your eyes and look in the direction of the impact. A man towers above you with a nasty frown.

“Excuse me? Can you move?” He rolls his eyes.

“Im sorry, sir” You say as you turn away from him.

You stop dead in your tracks and your eyes agape. Your eyes are bombarded by people and people among people. It appears while you were lost in the clouds you had wandered a little too far from your shady bench. So many people. They are yelling and speaking rapidly to one another. Food falls from their disgusting mouths and on to the dirt that they step on over and over. This river is getting hard to breath in. You crouch down to hug your knees and cover your ears. It doesn’t help; it only muffles the shrieks and evil laughter. Bam! Bam! You are kicked. Clomp! You are stepped on. You begin to shake and shake. This is more intense than riding a roller coaster. Its almost as if you are one with the dirt. You are the dirt. Do they know how it feels? To be stepped on? To be treated as dirt? They need to move. Not you. Everyone needs to move. EVERYONE NEEDS TO MOVE.

“MOVE!” You scream.


And bam you die! Womp womp

Haha just kidding,

Or something like that.


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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 18 ⏰

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