Part 1

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Clara Drew stood quietly on the cobblestone path leading to the Carson Mansion, her emerald eyes reflecting the soft glow of the early morning sun. Unlike her sister Nancy, renowned for her detective skills, Clara found solace in the mysteries of people, not puzzles. The autumn air was brisk, and she wrapped her shawl tighter around her shoulders, lost in thought.

The sound of approaching footsteps pulled her from her reverie. It was Ace, his presence as unassuming as ever, yet always somehow commanding attention. He had a way of moving that was both careful and casual, a contradiction that Clara found endlessly fascinating.

"Morning, Clara," Ace greeted her, his voice a warm timbre in the cool air. "You're out here early."

"Just thinking," Clara replied, her voice soft, a stark contrast to Nancy's more assertive tone.

Ace nodded, understanding. "Sometimes, the quiet moments of the morning are the best for that." He paused, looking at her with an earnest curiosity. "Find any answers in the sunrise?"

Clara laughed lightly, the sound mingling with the rustle of the leaves. "Maybe. Or maybe I'm just learning to appreciate the questions."

Ace smiled, and in that smile, Clara saw a kindred spirit, someone who understood the value of reflection. They stood there for a moment, two souls connected by the tranquility of dawn,

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