
95 5 2

Date: August 11th, 2020
Location: Yellow Sea
(37.1679195, 124.4801905)
International waters
Bearing: 199.0, at 15 knots
Vessel: South Korean presidential Yacht

Occupants: South Korean President Moon Jae-in, wife, and staff. (Host)
Chinese special ambassador [restricted] and 5 aids (diplomatic guest)
Japanese special ambassador [restricted] and 4 aids (diplomatic guest)
Australian special ambassador [restricted] and 6 aids (diplomatic guest)
TWICE, Korean girl group, and 10 staff. (Performing)
Total: 49

Time: 21:09
"I'm not sure what you expect to happen here. You're not in a good position." President Moon says, to the man with a gun pointed at his face. The man, along with his twenty two companions, had boarded a few minutes after the boat entered international waters, and had since cut off all communications, and sailed away.
"I think a bullet has a good position in your face!" The man yells, irritated. President Moon had been continually trying to deescalate the situation, to little avail. It had been nearly two hours now, of nervous silence and occasional arguments, with no progress made toward who the hijackers were or their goals. They had already shot and killed six guards who were in the dining room, and probably the other six outside of it. Only two people were wounded, an Australian and a Japanese aid who had tried to fight them early on. The crew was somewhere else, although no one in the dining room was sure. But the remaining diplomats and SK government personelle, along with the Kpop group, made up 40 people hostage to the 6 guards they had. But automatic weapons evened those odds. They had come aboard hidden by the sound of the performance, and had taken the bridge immediately to avoid signals being sent. Unless someone noticed the silence; nobody was coming to help.

(37.1679195, 124.4801905)
Altitude: 28,000 feet
It's a funny thing, air. Sometimes it's like nothing. Sometimes, it's like water. Sometimes, it's your best friend, others, our enemy.

Altitude: 27,000 feet
I guess it's easy to muse when it's the only thing around for miles. That, and my team. They're still there, right?

Altitude: 26,000 feet
Yeah, there they are. Not too close; not too far. Just how I like it. You'd assume after all of our training they'd know the drill, but it never hurts to check.

Altitude: 25,000 feet
People, and air. Change fast, and yet move slow. Or maybe they move fast and change slow. Feels like when you want them to do one, they do the other.

Altitude: 24,000 feet
One thing is for sure, humans usually don't whistle this loud. I'm really regretting skipping the full helmet, but it's always so bulky once you land.

Altitude: 23,000 feet
I don't want to lug a big metal and plastic bowl around when I'm trying to work; it's awkward.

Altitude: 22,000 feet
Speed is picking up. I should adjust, I'm slipping too far north.

Altitude: 21,000 feet
Ok, turned around, sliding south. I'm starting to get through clouds now. Cirrostratus, I think.

Altitude: 20,000 feet
I hate clouds. So annoying.

Altitude: 19,000 feet
Okay; let's do another gear check. Forearms, good. Upper arms, good.

Altitude: 18,000 feet
Shoulders, good. Head; good.

Altitude: 17,000 feet
Chest, good. Back, good.

Altitude: 16,000 feet
Finally, clear of clouds. Thighs, good.

Altitude: 15,000 feet
Calves, Good. Boots, good. That's all the armor.

Altitude: 14,000 feet
Ok, next clouds are visible; Nimbostratus. I hate that I have these memorized, why did they have to give me all this useless info.

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