Part One

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Bryce Benedict's parties were always loud and hardly ever enjoyable, but Esme mostly ended up there to watch people, and sometimes she went to get as drunk as humanly possible, but she wanted to keep her wits about her tonight... She wasn't sure why, she just wanted to... Maybe it was because the last time that she hadn't, she'd woken up in bed next to a senior guy... Yeah, that hadn't been something that she'd appreciated, especially since she knew that even though she was blacked out, there was no way that she'd followed him willingly, he'd taken full advantage of her altered state, and that scared the ever-loving shit out of her, honestly, so she'd decided to be sober for the night.

Plus, that way none of her friends had to drive twenty-five minutes just to bring her back to the trailer, she could drive herself home and it wouldn't be a problem. She felt an arm slide around her waist and smelt the incredible stench of beer coming off of someone's breath... Ew.

"Esme Panchek, has anyone ever told you how sexy you are?" She grimaced to herselfand shook her head, peeling Katherine Underwood's hands off of her waist with a half-smile... She knew that Katherine had to be fucked out of her mind if she was hitting on her, so she wasn't going to be too rude about it, she was mostly just going to make surethat her friends could see that she was not pursuing this, and there was no reason to slash her tires.

"Hey, Katherine... Plenty of people have told me that, plenty that are actually attracted to me and not just drunk off their goddamn asses...You've got a boyfriend." She said, and Katherine pouted over exaggeratedly, crossing her arms across her chest as she tried to lean into her, but Esme stepped away... Did she feel a little bad about making her stumble? Yes, but she'd earned that shit, Esme didn't want to be touched by her and that was all that she was trying to do was touch her, eventually something had to be done, even if it was a little bit mean, it was still something that was earned.

"My boyfriend is a dick, I caught him making out with some freshman whore..." She slurred, and Esme raised an eyebrow... That sounded wrong on multiple levels, but she was going to stick to the most illegal one of the bunch, that seemed like the thing that should be talked about first above anything else.

"Isn't your boyfriend eighteen years old?" She asked, knowing that Katherine wasdating one of the linebackers, a senior that she'd gotten into it at a party with once...She'd left with a black eye, but he'd been pulled off of the girl that he was trying to hook up with who was not consenting to it, so she was considering that a win until the day that she fucking died.

Katherine nodded, like she didn't quite understand why that was what Esme had clung to, and she could see why... She didn't go around telling people about the grooming and the assaults that she'd gone through, so there was no reason that they would know about them, especially not someone that she'd never really communicated with, that made next to no sense.

"Yeah? So?" She asked, and Esme sighed, rubbing at her temples... How did she explain this to a complete and utter moron without making it sound like she was considering them a complete and utter moron? Often drunk people got a little bit mean when she told them that they were stupid, so she was going to have to handle this carefully, as carefully as she possibly could.

Well, that's... That's illegal, Katherine. I'm sorry that he's cheating on you, but that alsomakes him a fucking creep, and I hope that when you're sober you can understand thatthat is more upsetting than him cheating... Maybe you won't, I honestly don't know you that well but... Yeah." She glanced around, looking for someone to take her... Ingrid...Ugh, her skin crawled at the thought of talking to her, but that was probably one of the only people that could drag Katherine's drunk ass away without much of a ruckus. Shetapped her shoulder and Ingrid turned around, grimacing as she brushed off her shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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