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the idea of teenage love is so admirable.
experiencing it is so much more.

walking around the school late at night, holding hands and running from a tattletale cat.

hiding laugher and secret smiles across a classroom while the class is silent.

passing notes even when the class is so loud, a bomb could go off and no one would notice.

kissing with the curtains drawn to ignore the disgusted looks on our friends faces, telling eachother "theyre just jealous they dont have what we have"

because what we have is special.

our love is so special.

i will never experience anything close to this again.

not in this lifetime, not in another. not even if another universe.

i love you.

3 words mean so much.

a slight brush of knees under the table, resulting in a heart full of butterflies.

rosey cheeks and tear filled eyes, sharing a bed when nights are hard.

sharing secrets and being eachothers best friend.

being eachothers only friends when times are tough and you feel you have no one else.

surrounded by unconditional love by one person is so much more than being suffocated by small gestures of appreciation by 50 people.

teenage love is a dream.
teenage love will never leave you.
teenage love can be the best thing to ever happen to you.
teenage love.
oh to be loved like this for my whole life.

i dont actually know what this is, i got bored

you can take this from any couples pov in this book (or in general if youd like)

love you guys

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