Act 4

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Now my school does has something called a Halloween Dance it's like Homecoming, but we get to dress up in costumes because it always lands on Halloween. Well, technically, October 13th. This is fucking cool Halloween is my favorite holiday so obviously I love it.

Atra seems pretty excited about it. So maybe I can ask her. Or not she is my friend. My closest friend. First girl I had a crush on. No, she wouldn't go will me. Or I might be wrong. Who truly knows.
The Halloween Dance is soon. I never thought Diesel Academy would have something like this. Still cool, plus Craig loves it. I wonder if I should ask him out, as friends obviously not in that way. Or maybe I do want that.
I opened my locker when I heard a familiar voice. "Hi Craig." I turned and see Emma. Surprised Atra isn't with her. "Hi Emma?" She giggled at my confused. "What does Dead-End like the older sister type of girls?" Okay that's new. "Umm." "Ha ha, I'm messing with you, actually I wanted to ask you a question about the Halloween Dance." Don't tell me she is asking me out. "Sure shoot." "I figured since you and Atra live close to the school why not we all go together as friends." Oh so what me and the other did when we were in middle school. "Yeah why not." She writes something down. "Here is my number call or text me when we should meet up." She hands me a tickets. "I spoke with Mike and Adam and they're on board." "Alright well see you around." She heads to class. Atra was right she is mature for her age, and she's a year younger then me.
So it's the day of the dance and we are all at Craig's house. We are all nicely dressed in our costumes. Michael was dressed like Jason Voorhees and Charlotte Diaz is dressed like Carrie White, Adam is dressed like human Freddy Kruger. Suki is dressed like Chihiro Ogino while Emma is dressed like a witch, a pretty witch. Craig decided to cheat a bit and dressed like Gerard Way from most of the pictures for Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. And I don't have a costume. I just wear an all black version of our uniform with black leggings with no tie, and the top two buttons are unbuttoned, and instead of blazer, it's a black hoodie I called it Noire, and she always has a red ribbon.

"Hey guys we should get ready soon." Charlotte told us. She hands Michael his Jason mask. "Thanks, hon." He kissed the light skin on her neck.

I am so nervous. I want to ask out Craig, but I don't know if it's a bad time to ask. Suki saw me and went to me. "Go get him, girl." She whispered in my ear. I looked at her, and she nodded her head. I take a deep breath and walk to Craig.
Atra goes to me. "Hey, can we talk in private." "Yeah, sure." We went to my room, and I closed my door. This is weird. I can tell Atra is nervous, but I'm not too sure about what.

Atra sighs and turns to me. "Look, I like you, I always have, but not like I use too." She hates me. That's fine, I guess it was a dumb idea. Me and her." "I like you more now." Wait, what? "The past 7 years I missed you so much. Hell, I would listen to the same music you like. Just so it would be like you and I were hanging out." "Arta?" She continues. "I knew I liked you, but I wasn't sure if I liked you. I liked you." I took Atra's hand. "Atra, I love you too, and I wanna be your boyfriend." We kiss, and we enjoyed every second of it.

We hear a knock on the door

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We hear a knock on the door. "Come on, love bird, or we'll leave without you." Suki spoke. What did she say. "Okay." Atra called. She looks at me. "Come on, Dead-End." I take the ribbon out of her hand and tie it around her waist. "It's looks better with the ribbon on." I told her, and she giggled.

Craig smiled as him and Atra exit his room and enjoyed the Halloween Dance with their friends and themselves. But before they do, Adam gets out his Polaroid Camera. "Hey, let's get in a picture before the dance." So they all get in front of Edna's Inflatable Jack Skellington and posed Adam took the picture.

Last-Chance1A's Dead-End's Love: Childhood Friends

Dead-End's Love: Childhood FriendWhere stories live. Discover now