Chapter One: Gem School

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(a/n: for gabgab)

A school rivalry is not an unusual issue. If a school doesn't have any competition against the others, then, that's unusual. But for Gregory E. Maine Academy, outside school premises, no competition can ever dethrone them. The school tops almost everything around the country. The competition stays inside the school. Who wins richest, smartest, most skillful, and the likes. Students were called gems and public school students were called stones. There's a definite wall between the public and private school students.

The GEM Academy is a school for not just a rich heir, but a smart one, too. If you're not both, you'll be shamelessly kicked out of it. The school is popular, period. Anyone who would be fortunately accepted had not only guaranteed popularity but the best future he can ever imagine. But there's this one student who doomed herself out of it. Carmella Jensen, that's what they call her.


"Elle!" someone called from behind. Carmella turned and saw her friend, Faith Carter. She was wearing the same black and white striped blazer. Her hair was in a clean ponytail and her high heeled black shoes sticks loudly on the floor. Almost everything is in uniform- the shoes, hairstyles, and trolley bags. No one is allowed to wear different.

"Careful," Elle cautioned.

"Good morning," she beamed.

Faith caught up to her and they both looked up the big blue gates of GEM Academy.

"We're finally a senior," Faith declared. "I never thought I could make it this far."

"Let's not relax yet. There are still the preliminaries." The preliminary is an exam in three levels. The first level is to measure how smart a student is. The second level is the student's inventory where his level of assets and liabilities are checked and the third level is the student's skills and talents. He must pass all three in order to continue being fully enrolled. Failure to pass means suspension from school. Unfortunate students will be given two choices: either to transfer to a new school or to work for the school's charity which is both embarrassing.

Faith nodded and they both walked through the hallways. GEM's blue buildings and halls are nothing to compare with others.

"Have you passed your inventory?" Elle asked.

"Not yet," Faith answered in a soft voice. Talking loudly is prohibited. "Maybe tomorrow. Did you pass yours?"

"Yup. Do you need some help in balancing out your account?" she offered.

"No, I'm fine. I'm worried about the third rounds, you know. I'm not sure it's enough to please the board."

"You're a good violinist. Why worry?"

"Not as good as you, I mean, you're the music club president, and you even travelled abroad to release your first album."

"First, it's not MY album. I just got invited to play. And second, I'm not the president. Jessica is."

"Oh, please. Trust me. You'll be voted this year." They reached the auditorium and grab a seat. The Academy supervisor had something to announce.

"Why are you so sure about it, huh?"

"That's why," Faith pointed at the auditorium stage and Elle saw Jessica Shaw, sitting at the middle together with three other students.

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