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Once upon a time, in a small town nestled among emerald-green hills, there resided an unlikely pair of best friends - Brijesh and Kuku. Brijesh, a young man with an insatiable curiosity, possessed a heart so kind it could mend even the deepest of wounds. Kuku, on the other hand, was a mischievous but loyal parrot, possessing a gift for never-ceasing conversation. Together, they had explored countless adventures, sharing laughter and secrets that bound them tighter than the threads of fate.

On a fateful day, as the sun's golden rays bathed the town, Brijesh stumbled upon an extraordinary discovery. Hidden amidst a dense thicket, a shimmering celestial rock, known as the Elessar Asteroid, had descended upon their humble land. Mesmerized by its unearthly beauty, Brijesh's hand reached out, trembling, and grazed its luminous surface.

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