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At the old shabby house, a little boy asked, "Dad? Is it possible for two opposite people to get along?"

The Dad answered, "It depends... but here, let me share you a story..."

They say, *"People who are opposites aren't fit together..."* Is it true? What if people who have different personalities could be together too..?

There lived a boy who has the ability to make others happy. And there's this girl who was called the "Mad Witch" because of her grumpy personality. Behind the girl's angry issues, lies a heavy burden beneath. *"Is that the reason why she's always angry...?"*

One day, their paths crossed at the hallway... "Good morning!!!" exclaimed the boy, eventually he got ignored, not even a drop of smile. The boy was confused... he has the ability to make people happy, but why cant he make her smile...?

Day by day, he kept trying to make that girl happy. By doing funny things, greetings, everything. But he didn't succeed. In the middle of the night, as the boy is walking at the bridge as he saw the girl trying to commit suicide by jumping and drowning herself. He tried to scream her name, however he was still too far away. He ran as fast as he could, so fast enough that it could tore his legs away...

But, he was too late, the girl already jumped. He had no choice but to also jump and rescue her. "What were you doing?! Are you crazy?" The boy scolded her. 

"..." but she remained silent...

"Say something!.." but that was then he realized... 

"Hey... are you okay..?" That shocked the girl... no one has asked her if she's okay, not even her family... 

The boy patted her head and smiled "Isn't it unfair..? Were having the best times of our life, and yet here you are, keeping your burdens all by yourself."

"I have no.. friends.." she answered. "But you have me. I'm here too you know?" The question yet again surprised the girl.

"You and your words..." she laughed, "they really know how to make me smile..." The boy who hasn't yet saw the girl smile, but now he finally did. "You're beautiful when you smile..." he added. "Let me make a proposal, lets be partners. Ill be your sunshine. They say opposite vibes doesn't fit together, but I don't believe that. Ill make your grumpiness be changed with happiness.."

"And they lived happily ever after.." the Dad said. "WOW!!! That's a nice story Dad! But whose story is that?" The little boy asked with such a curious tone. 

"Who knows?" The little boy's mom answered. "I too, believe that two opposite people could be together. Just like how your dad changed my grumpiness." The mom smiled....

Years passed, as the little boy grew up. "History repeats itself" I guess that phrase is true. The sunshine little boy who grew up as a fine man, met a nonchalant woman. Who knows? As the boy saw the girl, he quickly ran into her and said. "Ill change you, just wait!" He eagerly smiled. "And how can you do that?" She answered. "I know how. Just wait. Ill be your sunshine too."

MelodyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora