11 - determined to find you

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Nami's POV

"W-What? Where am I?"
I mumbled, my whole body immediately starting hurt.

"O-Ow. What the fuck.."

My vision was still blurry but I could tell I was in a..bedroom?

Feeling dizzy, I try to move again, only to be forced back down again.
My visions clearing up and my awareness getting higher. I realized I was strapped a bed frame of a king sized white bed with white sheets.

It looked I was strapped with belts, my legs also strapped.

My heart started to beat rapidly as I also noticed that was I was half naked, only my panties and bra were on.

What was going on??

Moving around in the belts, trying to free, my heart starts to beat rapidly.
How could I let myself be kidnapped??!

I'm stronger than that!
No, no. No!!

Still struggling, I suddenly hear the door slowly open and then close.
Looking to the side, I saw....that pirate..

Randy the Rough Houser?
Pfft, what a stupid name.

It says that he burned down a town. And they don't know who but they could confirm that he was looking for someone specifically.

Hmph, I wonder who it is.

Wait, was he....looking for me

"Oh good, you're awake, my darling."
He echoed.

I was confused. His face looked like...Richard's but he was that pirate.

"Wait, you're Richard! But you also that pirate I saw in the newspaper!"

He snickered, pulling out the suit and what looked like a blonde wig.
The man put the items over his body, and removed them, doing that over and over again with a grin.

"Randy, Richard, Randy, Richard, such a good disguise right?"
He snickered once more, throwing the items to the side.

"I'm the one you were looking for, aren't I?!"
I snapped.

"Yes, wow, you're smarter than you look, sweetie pie."

I cringed at the nickname.

"And yes, you are, but I finally found you, now we can finally get married!"
Randy laughed happily.

"Who the hell do you think you are, huh?!"
I screamed, starting to move in the belts again.

"Eh?? I'm your future husband of course! So don't be stubborn and stop resisting! We are meant for each other!!"
He then came close, to my angry face.
Growling, I kept on moving the belts, trying to get away. Not giving up.

I couldn't let him win.

I heard him sigh as he watched me struggle in the belts.

"Wait, where is Luffy? Where is he?! What did you do with him!!"
I screamed.

"Oh that prick...don't worry, my daughter is taking care of him and they'll soon get married as well, it'll be a double wedding, ain't that exciting?"
Randy then rested his chin on hand with a grin.
I noticed he was looking at my body with his eyes full of lust.
I wanted to throw up.

"You're so beautiful, I'm so glad you're finally mine, my darling."

"In your damn dreams!"
My body was getting tired, I was moving too much.
But I couldn't help it, I needed to escape!

𝙸 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙾𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚈𝚘𝚞 ( Luffy x Nami)Where stories live. Discover now