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A/N: if this sucks is because its my first time writing a thiam fic.

Camden is the oldest of the three Lahey brothers Emma is their mom she's 32 she married their dad john he's 35. Everything was going great they were a picture-perfect family to the town it even seemed that way to Camden till he was 10 and he started to notice his mom put on make-up knowing how she viewed it. He understood why she started to wear make-up when he was 12, he just got home from school with a test he got an F on, he had shown his dad Camden had never seen him so mad before john went to hit him but he was stopped by Emma "you can take your anger out on me but I draw the line at my kids" it one of the few times she stood up to him "go to your room the adults need to talk" john always said that that's how Camden what his dad was going to do. When their mom wasn't around Camden made it his job to protect Liam and Isaac from their dad.

*Time skip*

Camden is now leaving for college; he feels bad for leaving his mom and brothers with his dad on the other hand he couldn't wait to be free. He dropped out of college at 19 and joined the military.

It was the middle of summer and there was a knock at the and Isaac answered it "afternoon can we speech to a parent the soldier asked Isaac shook his head yes and ran off and came back with his mom when she saw the men at the door her eye filled with tears "I'm sorry miss but you son has died in the line of duty" Emma was crying and Issac couldn't understand why but he knew a hug is always good.

A month after Camden died Emma divorced john, she got custody of Liam, and he got Isaac.

*Almost a year later*

Emma and Liam had made a life for them in the cities everything was going great till a drunk truck driver drove in to the side of their car at a red light. The car was flipped, and Emma didn't make it, john refused to take Liam back in and he never told Isaac what happened.

Liam was seven when he was put with the first foster family "Hi Liam my name is Mia I'll be your social worker which means I get to help you find a new home" Mia was tall with fair skin she was a brunette Liam thought she was nice, but he didn't trust her. "Okay this is my car we are going to meet a couple" she opened the door waiting for him to get in the car "no" Liam stepped back from the car and Mia. Mia now had a problem with getting this kid places.

Liam lasted two weeks before being removed from the foster family because he refused to do a lot of things.

When he was eight, he was lived with Allen and his wife Amanda, they lived in Nevada. Liam learned fast that they didn't really care about where or what Liam was doing, so he pretty much did whatever he wanted. One day after school he as walking back from a store when a guy with red glowing bit him when he got to the house, he told Allen what had happened and he laughed at the absurd story he told him, Liam was in that home for a month.

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