Part 11

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POV: Mr Park

As I sat by the side of the pool, my brothers words hung heavy in the air, mingling with the echoes of our shared past. The sunlight danced upon the water's surface, casting a warm glow over everything, yet inside, my heart felt heavy.

My brother, Gideon, always had a way of cutting through my defenses with a single question. "Since you can now use your two legs, are you going to disappear on me?" His words pierced through the tranquillity, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions within me.

I glanced at him, his expression a mixture of concern and longing. The bond between us ran deep, forged in the crucible of shared joys and sorrows. His question lingered like a ghost, haunting me with its implications. Would I leave him behind now that I could walk again?

The thought of parting ways with my brother tugged at my heartstrings. We were more than just siblings; we were kindred spirits, inseparable in our own unique way. But the world beckoned, pulling me back to the life I'd left behind. Could I let go of the familiarity of my home and start anew?

Gideon's eyes bore into mine, seeking answers that even I didn't have. The idea of selling our childhood home, the one place that held so many memories, seemed almost sacrilegious. I couldnt bring myself to sever the ties that bound me to the past.

A wistful smile played at the corners of my lips as I considered a different path. What if we could escape to a secluded island, a place where time stood still and worries faded away? A paradise where my brother and I could dwell in eternal harmony, shielded from the harsh realities of the outside world.

But reality crashed over me like a wave. Gideon was getting married, stepping into a new chapter of his life that veered away from mine. The bittersweet truth stung my soul. He was slipping through my fingers, merging his existence with another, and I was left grappling with my own fears of abandonment.

My mind raced back to our mother, the beacon of light in our tumultuous lives. Her absence loomed over me like a shadow, a constant reminder of the void she had left behind. The ache of losing her still lingered, a wound that refused to heal.

"I am going to be staying a while longer, brother," I finally said, breaking the silence that hung between us.

A flicker of understanding danced in Gideon's eyes as he spoke, his voice laced with emotion. "I'm glad you got shot. Seeing your handsome face for the past 6 months has been the second best thing that has happened since mother went to heaven."

His words cut through the barriers I had built around my heart, laying bare the depth of his affection. The lump in my throat threatened to choke me as I struggled to mask the swell of emotions within me. "Let's move to an island," I blurted out, a desperate plea to hold onto the fragments of our shared past.

But reality shattered my illusions once more. Gideon's impending marriage cast a shadow over our dreams, a reminder that our paths were diverging, destined to unfold in separate ways.

"She stole you away from me," I whispered, a confession tinged with regret.

Gideon turned towards me, a soft smile gracing his lips. His words cut through the tumultuous emotions that churned within me, planting a seed of hope in my heart.

"I pray every day that God would send you one of his loving, surrendered daughters. One whom you would share the love that you have for me with. You deserve to be loved, brother," he said, his voice filled with an unspoken plea for my happiness.

As he plunged into the pool, the ripples of his departure echoed the turmoil in my soul. His acceptance of my unspoken desires filled me with a warmth that thawed the icy grip of loneliness that had plagued me for so long.

In that fleeting moment, as I watched him swim away, I realised that our bond transcended mere blood ties. And as I gazed after him, a sense of gratitude washed over me. For in Gideon, I had found a kindred spirit, a companion whose unwavering love had sustained me through the darkest of days. Our journey together was far from over, but I took solace in the knowledge that no matter where life led us, our hearts would forever be intertwined in a tapestry of shared memories and unspoken vows of brotherly love.

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