Part 15

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POV: Gideon

Jeremiah had disappeared for 3 days and he came back to my house like nothing ever happened. I was truly concerned but I could not bring up anything related to Hannah because it was a sensitive topic to him. I wanted to tell him a few things concerning Hannah but I was afraid that he would think that I had betrayed him. In all honesty, I was just trying to protect both parties and respect all their wishes.

Hannah not being married is both a relief and curse for my brother. I love them both but if they don't love/like each other enough to communicate then their ship has to sink. "We need to do something," Abigail whispered to me.

"Go talk to him."

POV: Abigail

I knocked on Jeremiah's door but it was slightly open, so I could see him packing his clothes. "Jeremiah, it's good to see you again," I said.

"It's always a pleasure seeing your face, Abby."

"Are you leaving?"

"Yeah. I want to travel out of the country for a few days or weeks."

"I am sorry, Jeremiah."

He turned his face to me. "Why are you apologizing you've done nothing wrong."

"I don't like seeing you down."

"I'll be better when I leave this country," he responded as he zipped up his bag.

"You will be missed."

He smiled at me and gave me a side hug.

POV: Mr Park

I hugged Abigail goodbye but I needed to look for Gideon to tell him of my plans, I didn't want to disappear on him. He would be devastated if he finds out through Abigail. I went to put my bag in the car and I came back into the house for my brother. "He's at the swimming pool," Abigail hinted.

I walked to the swimming pool area and saw no sign of Gideon. I stopped in my tracks as I was face to face with Hannah. The look on her face told me that she, too, was set-up. Gideon and Abigail knew of Hannah's whereabouts? How was Hannah standing right in front of me? Was I imagining things?

I looked back at Abigail. "I'm sorry," I read from her lips.

Slowly, Hannah took a few steps away from me. The silence between us was heavy. She could not even look me in the eyes. I had been thinking so much over the past days, that I had nothing to think about as I tried to lock eyes with the very woman that had been giving me sleepless nights. "Congratulations on your recovery, sir," she said in a low tone that was just enough for me to hear.

"How's your husband?" I asked.

"I'm not married."

"Because you cheated on him with me?"

She looked up at me, this time finally locking eyes with her as she frowned at me. "I ran away," she answered. "May we please have a proper conversation instead of an interrogation?"

"Forgive me if I came off a bit too much."

She sighed as she sat down. "I don't know why you want to fight me but I don't want to fight, Mr Park, especially not with you," she said in a soft tone.

The anger that I held towards her suddenly vanished. Hannah was right in front of me again and I was not even thinking straight. How foolish of me for wanting answers that I was not entitled to. "Where have you been?" I said, but it came out like a whisper because I was trying to contain my emotions.


"Did Gideon house you?"

She hesitated to answer. "Yes, only because I asked him to and not to tell you."

"Why didn't you come to me?" I crouched down to her level.

"After what happened between us on my last day here, I couldn't face you. It was foolish of me to have done that and I apologize."

POV: Gideon

"Why are they talking in whispers? Don't they realize that we also want to hear?" I said to Abigail.

POV: Hannah

Mr Park took a hold of my hands and stood up, making me stand with him. "I don't regret it but, I need the reason why you ran away from your wedding," he looked down at me, squeezing my tiny little hands.

Why was he holding my hands? A wave of panic hit me as my body became stiff. "I didn't want to marry him. It was an arranged marriage and he's old enough to be my father or even a grandpa."

"Why are you so stiff?"

"This is strange and I don't know how exactly I should respond."

"You don't need to put your guard up with me, I won't hurt you," he softly said.

When he said that, I realized that I did have my guard up. No one ever had my back and now when someone wants to fight for me, I fight them. I've been protecting people around me for so long that I forgot how it felt like to be protected, to be soft with someone and just allow them to protect me. Hot tears ran down my cheeks and Mr Park pulled me into an embrace.

I was tired of fighting.



I wanted it all to stop.

When Mr Park wanted to pull away, I stopped him. "A bit longer, please."

He smiled as he wrapped his arms around me again. "I missed you so much," he whispered.

I missed you, too.

POV: Gideon

I, too, pulled my soon-to-be wife in an embrace. I got so emotional watching my brother becoming soft with someone who wasn't me. I was a proud brother! Jeremiah didn't allow his emotions to get the worst of him, instead he handled the situation like a man. I wish I could also hug him but Hannah will hug him on my behalf.

To team Jennah.

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