Chapter One-Introduction

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Hello my name is Olivia Gates, but my friends and teammates call me Liv. I was 25 when I was shot on August 18 2013, two days before my 26th birthday and two weeks before I was due home. It must have been hard for my mother and father to lose both their children the way they did. I had bright ocean blue eyes which according to my fiancé used to glow when I was happy, I had dirty blonde hair which I wore up in a bun most of the time but when I let it down it would flow down past my shoulder.
During my years at my high school, I was never the typical high school girl. You know, the ones who are popular, the ones who go to every party someone hold, the one is in the cheer squad and has a hot boyfriend who played for the schools footy team. No that was not me, I was that person who got caught up in the wrong crowns, always getting drunk, never doing the right thing I even started smocking which I told my mum I would never do, never turned up to classes, was always late, been to the heads office so many times I might have well lived in there, I've even had a four day exclusion. That's when my grades stared to drop from As to Es in the matter of 2 years. That's why I decide I want to join the army, it was always one of those things that had crossed my mind before but it wasn't till than that I realised that's what I wanted to do. I wanted to join the army just like my brother.
I lived in a small town in Hampshire, England where I lived with my mum, my dad and my older brother Lucius who joined the army in 2005 . Me and my brother were unusually close for a brother and sister, we would always hang out, had the same friends and he was always there for me when I needed to talk, that's why when my brother was shot I went off the rails at a young age. When I was the right age to join the army I did , I wanted to kill the people who killed my brother, I know there's that saying two wrongs don't make a right, but I had to do it, it just felt so right , so I joined, it was 5 year on the exacted day I found out about my brothers death that I got the a call saying that the troop I was in had been called up on our first tour of Afghanistan, were I met my fiancé Prince Harry. Let begin the story

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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