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So, i'll just describe my OCs here. (OC means own character) At the moment i have two OCs, one for the Soul Eater fandom and one for the Fairy Tail fandom.

Let me know what you think about my OCs in the comments c:

The first one is called Tsukino Chiyoko. She can turn into a cat-like creature called Eclipse the cat. As Tsukino, she has dark brown hair and yellow eyes. For her age (physically 17, mentally over 700 because she was locked up in the abyss where the time almost stands still) she's very small. She has a scar on her back. That scar came from a battle with a certain hero that wields a certain sword.
As Eclipse the cat she has violet fur and yellow eyes. Her tail has a white spot at the end. In this form she always wears a red cami top, gray hot pants and black sneakers.

Abillity: As Tsukino she possesses the ability to track down other living beings by searching their aura.
When transformed into Eclipse, her appearance is tinier but she is way stronger. As Eclipse, she is able to create new body parts using her own aura energy(that includes wings), but only for a limited amount of time.
She also can shoot aura globes at her enemies or attack with "Soul Force" / "Soul Purge".

Likes: night, rain/thunderstorms, snow, corn waffles, sweets, spicy food, walking around with friends at night, fighting alongside her weapon-partner Soul Evans, improving her skills with sparring

Dislikes: all kinds of insects, cooking, Maka Albarn, girly stuff(she's very often tomboy-ish), wearing skirts, Blackstar when he's drunk, meat dishes, fish

Personality: calm, gamine, hoggish, sometimes a bit mischievous towards certain persons at the DWMA


My second OC's name is Ciela Raver. She's a mage at the Fairy Tail guild. I don't know how she will look like, but she'll have either purple hair or light blue hair and green eyes. Ciela can use three(little) types of magic:

Weapon magic -> Ciela summons two lightning twinswords called "Mjölnir" and "Baleno"(both names refer to lightning). When she intersects them, they can be fused to one bigger blade called "Izuna"(Izuna means lightning wire). The fused sword increases Ciela's pace and her power for a short time.

Sleep magic -> When Ciela gets scared by something,  she utters a loud yell and everyone in an ambit of 20 meters falls asleep.

Some kind of water magic -> This kind of magic only allows her to run over water because she is not able to control water magic any farther.

Likes: cats, night, sweets, reading, being around Natsu, italian food, amusement parks, strawberry icecream, vegetables

Dislikes: Lucy Heartfilia, all kinds of insects except butterflies and fireflies, art galleries, shopping

Personality: The typical yandere girl => kind and innocent,  but when her sweetheart(Natsu Dragneel) is in danger or other girls are flirtatiously towards him, she'll act like a yandere and freak out because she wants to protect Natsu.

...aaaaand that's it, folks! Maybe i'll upload  pictures of them one day!~

It would be great if you tell me your opinion about my OCs because i dont know if i made them too overpowered(I dont wanna have overpowered characters)!

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