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London's pov
She was getting on her phone just writing a message to her Brother Avi but she didn't wait for him to reply she sits her phone down and gets dressed
She sees Asher knocking on the door London says ' yes Asher?"
Asher says " Avi is coming back he just went to do something "
London says " okay thank you" she says back
Asher leaves to his room
London hears a face time call coming on her phone she checked it and sees Caroline Gregory calling her
London answers " hey Caroline what's up?"
Caroline says " hey how's my favorite girl?"
London smiled " Im good thank you are you good?"
Caroline says " yeah I'm alright but I wanted to ask if I should get you a gift for your birthday "
London says " yeah sure I mean why wouldn't you?"
Caroline says " I don't know do you like anything really?" She asked
London says " you can get me anything I'll be thankful for it "
Caroline says ' okay" she hangs up
London walks out to the kitchen and kept walking
Avi comes back ' hey I'm back sorry I had to do something '
London says " No worries, so are you gonna hangout with me later?"
Avi smiled " of course you bet" London says ' thanks"
Asher comes back " so Tomorrow we are gonna see the new Chucky series and we will meet Teo Briones"
Avi says " he is an actor like Asher"
London smiled " im so excited to meet Teo !'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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