Breakfast With Royalty

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Sunlight softly shone into the room as Maria opened the curtains which woke Terra up. Terra quickly sat up in her bed a bit disorientated and confused and was almost about to jump out of bed to rush to go make scones when she remembered she wasn't in her bed at home. She had woken up in her bedroom at the Royal Palace. "Good Morning Miss Riverglade!" Maria chirped happily, she was definitely a morning person. "Good Morning to you too Maria and please call me Terra, Miss Riverglade seems far too formal for me!" Terra replied as Terra pushed her hair back away from her face. Terra needed to find a brush, her hair probably looked like a racoon had gotten to it and ran about in it at this point. Terra pushed aside the curtains that hung around her bed and grabbed the robe on the nightstand and put it on. Terra had found some undergarments in on of the drawers but black undergarments and a white sheer nightdress probably wasn't one of Terra's best decisions.

Maria had already picked out one of the simpler dresses for Terra to wear to breakfast with the King. It was a long modest dark green dress with different wild flowers embroidered into the skirt. It was quite pretty in Terra's opinion and it seemed to be quite high quality. As Maria helped Terra into the dress Terra couldn't help but wonder how the palace got her dress size as she hadn't given it to anyone. Terra then thought that maybe they had a large selection of clothes for all the girls and just used the clothes they brought to get sizes for the clothes and give the girls the clothes that could fit them. That theory seemed plausible to Terra so she wouldn't worry too much about how the palace staff knew her exact measurements when giving her these clothes. Terra also couldn't help but wonder what would happen to these clothes when she left the competition, would she get to take them home with her or would the palace staff throw the clothes away or do something else to them? Terra knew better than to ask that question right now, she didn't want to make it seem like she was desperate to leave since that can be taken as an insult to the King if Terra appeared to not want to try to stay till the very end of the competition to win his favour.

Maria had been informed that Terra was not from a noble background so Maria gave Terra a short and simple explanation of what was to be expected at the breakfast. It didn't matter if some of the things Maria explained to Terra was common knowledge, Terra was just thankful that someone was actually taking the time to explain things to her and to correct any misconceptions Terra might have had. Maria asked Terra what type of shoe did she prefer, a flat sole or a shoe with a heel. Terra told Maria either would be fine as she didn't really have a preference. Maria took a box out from underneath Terra's bed and grabbed two narrow black high heels with a slim heel. Terra slipped the heels on and was then dragged by the elbow by Maria to the vanity table near the bathroom.

Terra sat down on the hard wooden chair at the vanity table and just let Maria do whatever she wanted. Maria had started by putting Terra's hair into a milkmaid's braid and then started shoving in different fake flowers into the braid. Maria pulled out a big box of makeup items from one of the vanity table's drawers. It took a few minutes for Maria to mix the right shade of foundation for Terra before she started slathering it on Terra's face and neck. Maria found an eyeshadow and lipstick that matched Terra's dress and she put it on Terra quickly. Maria took a look at the earrings Terra wad already wearing, small silver earrings in the shape of a leaf.
Terra already knew what Maria was going to do before Maria even went for the drawer on the top left of the vanity table. Maria pulled out a long slim box filled with earrings and she placed them infront of Terra. "Which ones would you prefer Terra, stud earrings or dangling earrings?" Maria asked Terra as she then started to take Terra's earrings out of her ears. Some of the dangling earrings looked really nice and Terra was drawn to them but she held herself back from picking them. She had heard enough horror stories from her grandmother about what happened to a few girls that has had their dangling earrings stuck on something. Terra picked up two emerald stud earrings that were shaped to look like a heart. Maria took the earrings happily from Terra and put them in Terra's ears for her.

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