The Prologue

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I was a freshman in high school when I met Riki.
I met him through my twin brother, Hwang Prince.
We were both born December 21st 2005.
Riki was born December 9th 2005.
This is an important part due to the fact that's why Riki became my brother's best friend.
They literally bonded over that.
The days they were born.
Although, right of the bat, Riki didn't know Prince had a twin sister.
He sorta "forgot" to mention it for weeks.
Truth is, he just didn't want boys near me freshman year.
But when Prince was comfortable, or well when Riki caught me in the kitchen cooking, he introduced us.
We bonded fast as well, due to him already being my brother's best friend.
The three of us became The Golden Trio.
I had an obsession with Harry Potter, okay?
Either way, the name stuck until beginning of Sophomore year.


Prince and I were invited to Riki's house, he had big news for us, so we rushed to his place after school.
Turns out, he got accepted to be a trainee under BigHit Entertainment.
The exact same entertainment that debuted BTS and TXT!
My brother and I were more than just proud and excited and happy for him.
It was indescribable.
We were jumping, squealing, even crying at some point.
It didn't get through my brain how it would end.
Not until half an hour later.
We were on Riki's couch, me in the corner, Prince on the floor, and Riki next to me.
It suddenly clicked for me.
"What's gonna happen to the trio though? We're supposed to be The Golden Trio..."
Everyone went quiet after my words.
I could tell I wasn't supposed to say that...


I did it for fun.
I auditioned for BigHit with my brother because we missed Niki and thought it be fun.
All of a sudden, we got in.
Once we walked through those doors of BigHit, life changed completely.
Not just because we were tackled by Riki and left with a slight bruise, but because nothing would be the same after what happened between me and Riki.


BigHit was having this survival show called
I-LAND for us to have a chance to debut.
I was on it with Riki and Prince, so I felt lucky.
Well, until episode two, I was sent to GROUND.
It's not exactly being kicked out, but I'd have to redeem myself fast before I did get kicked out.
I was the only girl there, though, I didn't know why.
I was scared.
Completely lost and scared, terrified even.
I was practically loosing a chance to debut.
It was terrible being the only girl there and it didn't help how I got sent to GROUND.
Though, while I was there, I gained something.
Hatred for Nishimura Riki.
I would overhear trainees saying how good of a dancer he was.
How he was going to debut.
How he was the best.
How he didn't even need to try.
How he would debut with my brother.
I couldn't even look him in the eyes after all of this.
I could see it.
I saw it from the beginning.
Riki had massive talent.
But I wasn't done, no, I was just starting.
I would debut.


I hated him with everything I had.
I didn't like him.
Not anymore.
He was a terrible person to me.
I wished I had never done all this to beginning with.
I wished he had never done this.
If he didn't do this, then we wouldn't be getting teared apart from each other.
It was his fault!
I tired and tried, but he was always better.
It's all his fault.


It was time.
Time to see who would make it, and who wouldn't.
As I looked around the stage.
I made eye contact with him.
Nishimura Riki.
I wanted to look away, not keep it.
But I kept it.
I looked into his eyes as if it was the last time.
The last time of seeing him, the last time of being near him, the last time having memories with him, the last time for everything.
I don't know what hit me in the moment.
I really don't.
Maybe it was being on the stage with him?
Or the fear of it being the last time.
But it didn't seem like it was...
It was more than that.
The way I looked into his eyes.
The way he smiled, even though he knew I hated him now.
The way he just stared and smiled at me.
It was more than just fear or worry.
It was something new...

"Number Two, Hwang Lee."


[ A New Story That's For Me and Ch9iPrince  ]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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