chapter 1.

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Every day felt like a new restraint, a new button added to the collar choking around Aegon's neck. He had done it– he had freed the realm of the false queen, his half-sister– and lost almost everything to do so. When did it end? When did he get to relax and run the realm as he saw fit, since they so intended to have them at the helm. He wore the conqueror's crown, wielded his sword and bore his name and yet he couldn't do as the conqueror actually did. Rule. He felt more like a dog than a dragon these days; but that was just a pattern in his life. They wanted him when they needed him and he was to shoulder their burdens as eldest son.

His grandsire kept breathing down his neck to secure another wife, another heir, another alliance brokered with another pompous house.

"Listen to me, Aegon," Otto began, his fingers laced together as he sat at his desk. He had summoned Aegon to the Tower of the Hand– he was summoning the King, rather than the King summoning him. Somehow, his council had let Otto weasel his way back into the position of Hand, Aegon's mother in tears, pleading for it. There wasn't anyone else fit for the job since Criston had died– and he was never really fit for it anyhow. "We must move quickly to provide you with a new wife. The realm won't remain stable if we tarry in producing an heir for the throne."

Aegon sat in the seat across from him, feeling more like a child than a King. He twisted the signet ring on his pinky finger. "It's too soon. It would be an insult to Helaena." he replied, not looking up at Otto. Helaena had only passed a few moons earlier and the wound was still fresh for all of them. Aegon never loved her like a wife– how could he, they were too different, too young– but he cared deeply for her as his sister and the mother of his children. Even thinking about taking another wife this soon felt like a betrayal. He would be like his father then.

A small huff and a rustling of papers was heard– Aegon was still too distracted by his signet ring, the thin light filtering through the half drawn blinds, causing a small glint off of the bronzed metal. He didn't want to look up to see the expression on his grandsire's face, he knew it was one of disappointment. Aegon couldn't remember the last time that someone hadn't looked at him with contempt, disappointment, melancholy.

"You must understand. You have a duty to the realm–"

"Fucking duty– don't speak to me of it. I've done my duty for enough lifetimes. I let you put me on the throne and usurp my sister and look where that's gotten us? Everyone is fucking dead, Otto. Jaehaerys, Maelor, Helaena, Aemond," he paused for a moment, lifting his head up to meet the Hand's gaze head on, "Rhaenyra, Rhaenys, Jacaerys, Lucerys, Joffrey– do I need to proceed? The majority of our bloodline is wiped out because of you and your ambition."

Otto snorted, standing up from his desk slowly. He grabbed a decanter of wine, pouring them both a goblet. "You misunderstand. Everything I've done has been... for our family's legacy– for the realm," he placed the glass stopped back into the carafe, "Don't you dare act as if I am not hurting for the loss of family– but war is war, boy. People die. It is unfortunate that... the ones close to us did. But we can't live with our head in the clouds any longer, there is a realm to run and the crown comes with responsibilities. A wife and heir are one of those paramount responsibilities."

"I have an heir. I still have one remaining child– Jaehaera is my heir. I deem it." he spoke quickly, staring at the goblet of wine. He had reduced his intake of alcohol since the war ended– but the need for it was always there, always aching. He suddenly felt parched. Giving Otto a haughty stare, he took a sip from the glass, feeling his muscles instantly relax.

"Don't be daft– have you so quickly forgotten what happened when the King last named a female heir?"

"It wasn't that Rhaenyra was a woman, Otto. People would've learned to adjust if..." Aegon took another sip, clearing his throat, "If she hadn't been infatuated with her freak of an uncle, you would've been able to control her easier, hm? It's always been you and mother behind the crown these past two decades– not me, nor my father."

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