Part 1

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"Please don't do anything!" I demanded, all I could do was stare at my mother in fright. My mother clearly upset, using verbal abuse to her advantage, my mother spit at me in a furious manner. Mother scolded me for "coming out" to her, but it wasn't a willing coming out story. No. She found out by  digging into my backpack and found one of my hidden pride pins at the bottom. Love a mother who breaks all personal boundaries with their child, so incredibly fun.

    "I would never have a daughter who isn't what she is supposed to be! Who she is supposed to be in my eyes!" My mother yelled at me, raising her fist in anger and smashed my pin against the wall with her hand and threw it at me. I flinched quickly whilst falling back from a sudden movement. Shaking I didn't know what to do, this is not how I wanted her to find out at all. Overally, I thought my mother would be supportive for once, but it turned out the reaction was the opposite than what I was anticipating. My mother stepped forward and glared down at me, I thought she was going to strike me in the head at first, her eyes filled with utmost disappointment in me and anger for changing merely anything about my appearance.

"You better be lucky I still have to legally pay your support, or else I'd be kicking you out of here so fucking fast." My mother snarled before she rushed to the door, slamming it behind her. She left me alone on the floor of my bedroom which I was trying not to spiral into a massive panic attack. Taking deep breaths, I continued to slow my breathing down until it was steady. I grabbed onto the bed stand and forced myself to stand up, unphased by my legs wobbling, I made my way to my bed and sat on it. Feeling the sheets with my hands and my feet on the floor of my bedroom, trying to get a feel of my surroundings. My vision blurred with my surroundings while I closed my eyes just to snap out of it. Feeling an uncomfortable sensation around my personal space, I snapped my eyes back open and looked around before taking a deep breath and sighed with relief. No one was there, thank god.

The name's Rae Fisher, 17 years old and just a regular ol' Non Binary high schooler trying to live their own life with limited peace. Unfortunately for me though, I rarely get the blessing of what normal people call a "break" or "free-time", what is the definition of a break anyways? Because I sure as hell don't think I've ever heard of it in my life. The community I live in lingers the stench of homophobia and transphobic heavily. I'm not a very fortunate individual to be living in this type of environment, but I try my damned hardest to make the best of it.


(No idea if I'll finish this one. Tell me if you like it)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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