Meet n' Greet

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Where was I? Everything was dark and I was extremely cold. The only thing I could remember was my name, sheep. I tried to feel around and get some type of description of my surrounds, but I felt nothing, was I in hell? Was this the afterlife? There had to be some type of explanation for this, I didn't even know what I looked like. Who am I?

Suddenly my ears started ringing, at first the ringing was soft, distant, but as I continued to loath in the darkness the ringing became louder, to the point where it was unbearable. The painful ringing took over all my senses, but it wasn't like they were being put to use anyway. After what felt like an eternity the darkness morphed into a bright white and I could finally see what I looked like or who I was in the first place.

I lifted my hands— paws? Wait, was I an animal? I was furry, I had paws and when I looked behind me I had a tail. Wow, I was an animal. Naturally I began assuming what kind of animal I was, based on the short pointy ears, curled tail and orangey fur I had to guess that I was a shiba inu. Huh, I never knew much about those types of dogs, the only thing I really knew about them was that they were extremely expensive and feisty.

As I mindlessly day dreamed about myself the white room I was in began to warp harshly, making my head spin and making my entire body feel like jelly. I couldn't recall much after that, I guess I had blacked out because when I opened my eyes I was in a whole different place, it was vibrant and it had fruit trees, stores and a sun, but something was off. When I looked up saw a huge figure looking down at something, for a minute I thought it was Jesus Christ.

As I tried to ignore the huge face looking down on me I noticed two people, a girl and a sheep. I hid behind a house, observing both of them from afar. I was too far away to make out what they were saying but they slowly began walking to where I was hiding, my breathe hitched and I quickly hid behind the house, not moving a single muscle. Now I could hear what the both of them were saying,

"Can you find our new friend?" The girl chirped, I glanced up into the sky and looked at the huge floating face, before I knew it the face had clicked on the house and it completely vanished from in front of me.

"There they are! Lets go meet them." The girl and the sheep began walking over to me, of course I backed up a little as they approached me.

"Hello doggy, whats your name?" She asked, her voice sounding sweet and innocent, but something was off about her. "My name is Sheep. Who are you? and what did you do to that house?" The girl giggled at me and then nudged the sheep.

"Hey wooly, his name is what you are!" The sheep— or wooly didn't find this funny at all, but for some reason he seemed to be scared of the girl, he let out a nervous chuckle and kept his eyes glued to his feet. "Im Amanda!" "And im Wooly!" Their high pitched voiced made my ears pin back, I took a good look at both of them before Amanda spoke again.

"You have very nice bright fur! What kind of dog are you?" Amanda reached out to touch my fur, and I was now figuring out that I had nothing but black shorts and a pearl necklace on. I flinched slightly as her hand landed on my soft fur but I didn't know why, Id never met this girl before so I had no clue why she intimidated me. "Im a shiba inu." I spoke, my voice was shushed and I didn't feel like interacting with her anymore. Amanda then began talking to the face in the sky.

"What is Sheep's necklace made of?" A bunch of white lines appeared and the face in the sky began typing something. The word "rocks" was spelled out into the sky, Amanda sighed quietly, enough for only me and wooly to hear, then she spoke again.

"That's not right. Try again!" Words began to spell out in the sky again, this time the face typed "balls". I snickered softly, though Amanda didn't find it as amusing, she hit me with he worst side-eye ever. Her big smile turned into a frown and her voice grew cold.

"Do I have to do everything?" She hissed and wooly flinched, the face tried to write a wrong answer again but Amanda didn't let it happen this time, she automatically corrected whatever word the face put in to "pearls".

"Thats right pearls! Well, I think its time to show Sheep around!" "I cant wait!" Both wooly and Amanda squealed at the figure in the sky, when suddenly Amanda yanked me by the arm and forcefully pulled me into a group hug. The hug lasted for about a minute or two until the face completely vanished from the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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