you can talk?!

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Suddenly, I heard a voice, a male voice, soft toned and quiet.
“It isn’t so pleasant when I have no fire, you know” the voice said.
“I’m sorry?” I looked around the engine seeing if any members of staff were there.
The male voice chuckled softly “look up” he said, his voice sounding like an older man, a distinguished man.
I looked up at the engines smoke box, and to my surprise, I didn’t see a smokebox door, but I saw the engines big green eyes looking down at me, I stumbled backwards with shock.

“b-b-but! You-“ I stammered.
“No no, don’t be frightened, I won’t hurt you” Pendennis said softly with a chuckle “how could I, even if I wanted to?” He smiled warmly.
I stuttered but couldn’t find the words.
The engine let out another faint chuckle “climb up here”
“I-I’m sorry?” I still struggled to speak whilst looking around to see if anyone was looking “I’m not allowed to”.
“Not up to them ma’am, come and sit for a while” The engine smiled “its nice to have the company of someone who can hear my voice, not everyone can”.

“Y- You can all speak?” I managed to ask, walking slowly back towards the locomotive.

“Of course” he whispered a laugh “if you listen carefully enough” he glanced around at the other engines “listen, can you hear?”.

Then I saw lady of legend open her eyes with a yawn “it isn’t so nice not being able to go on the mainline, but it’s nice to have company” she said, then closed her eyes again.

Pendennis stared at me for a moment, his eyes narrowing “wait...” he raised an eyebrow “please pardon me if I’m wrong, but... I think I know you”.

I stopped “you do?”

“again, forgive me if I’m wrong miss but” he smiled “I was visiting the Mid Hants?”

“oh my goodness! I did, at the watercress line” I giggled “I stood on your side too”

“yes, yes, I remember it, you look different without the overalls, but I have good memory you see, I’ve seen a lot of folk in my time” he chuckled “old I am”.

“Graceful, there’s a saying, you’re only as old as you feel”

“I don’t feel old, this is the problem here” Pendennis looked up towards the main line, a cross country diesel went past, and Pendennis frowned slightly “they told me my job was done... but I didn’t feel like I was done” he looked down at me “come on, climb up”.

I looked around hesitantly and then looked back at the locomotive “I’ll get into trouble”

“it’s a quiet day” he smiled “I insist”

I sighed, then slowly climbed up onto the engines running board.

“Just be careful, remember what to do” the engine said happily.

“I remember” I giggled, holding onto the hand rail as I walked sideways.

I got to the engines front and looked at his face, up close, the sight of slight wrinkles surprised me considering how old he was.

“There we are, see? It's okay” he smiled at me as his eyes focused on me “you’re so small, I can see you better up here”

I admired him and reached my hand up to touch his face but stopped.

The engines eyes followed my every move, his lips curled into a faint cheeky smile “please... be my guest” he said softly as though asking.

I gently placed my hand onto his face, and I heard the engine sigh gently as he closed his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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