chapter 3

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It was torture it had to be some form of torture sent by the universe as karma for what he did, no one should ever have to deal with brett it was like the boy had never been able to talk to anyone before. And all theo did was ask if he played lacrosse too and now, he just won't stop even after Biology ended, he wouldn't shut up Theo couldn't take anymore of brett.

Theo went off to find liam that wasn't so hard, the hard part would be getting away from brett who seemed quite invested in following theo "where are you going" brett had asked following closely behind "to find liam" theo said annoyed and frustrated with brett still following theo "hey T" he said smiling the moment he saw theo "liam i found you, tell your friend to stop following me" theo said almost like a plead "brett leave him alone" "fine ill see you later" brett said walking in the opposite direction "how's it going so far" liam asked "could be better"

"wheres your next class" theo asked grabbing his bag "i have AP history" "come on then ill walk you" while theo walked him to class liam was showing him where to find hos next class "what about scott" liam asked as they walked past him "i have a plan" "bretts a werewolf" theo stated still a step behind liam "we'll talk about it later" 

*After school*

"Hey mom can theo stay a few days" liam  asked Jenna "thats okay. I'm leaving for work" she said with a smile shutting the door "hi Mrs. greyer" both brett and theo said at the same time walking past her "li why would you ask that" theo asked walking ahead of brett "T you shouldn't be staying in your car" liam said with a smile. 

They all walk up the stairs to liams room "so how did you to meet" brett asked taking a seat "he climbed through my window when i was 10" brett looked at liam with concern "im sorry are you telling me that you befriended a kid who just broke into your room" "well hed been a werewolf for a year and knew nothing" theo spoke up with a smirk "you never told me you were bit at 9" he said shoked with wide eyes looking at liam "well you never asked" liam said while theo laughed "how's Lori" liam asked trying to lighten the mood "eh she's adjusting Satomi says we should make new friends" "i mean he can be your new friend" liam said smiling at both boys "i know nothing about you" he says lookibg at theo.

"Ow jackass" brett said picking up the book that had been thrown at his head "thats my life sence i was 6" theo said "T are you sure."
"Its completely fine, it has some stuff about you" "i was going to tell him" 

Liam grabbed theo hand "little wolf you still have anger issues" he asked "yeah but now they know what it is" theo looked at him with a bit of confusion "whats it called" he asked looking at liam "intermittent explosive disorder its why I'm here." "well im glad your here" 

it had taken brett  an hour to read the full book by the time theo had noticed Brett was done liam had Fallen asleep. "they did that to you" brett said turning towards theo glaning at liam 

"And liam but he was already a werewolf" 

 "that's awful" 

brett stayed silent trying to put his words together "do you usually talk that much" theo asked referring to earlier that morning "god no"  "when do you plan on going home" a raspy voice asked from behind theo, brett pulled out his phone for the time "shit ive got to go" brett said running out the house.

"What was that about" theo asked "probably lori" theo heard liam wisper his heart starting to steady again. "Night li" theo wispered

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