The Conversation

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As the great beast stormed the oceanside, he soon haulted in his tracks. Before him stood a lone, ghostly man. Now, this island has never been inhabited by any human life, even if there was, none could stand before the great King of the Monsters as fearlessly as this man did.

"At last, I finally meet you." The man spoke.

"Who are you to stand before me?" The monster replied.

"Tell me, great monster, do you know why you or your cohorts are here today?"

The great beast looked up at the horizon, at the sea shore stood his ally, the beast looked back down at the man. "I have never questioned it. Why do you ask me such an odd question?"

"I ask, because I know why."

The beast tilted his head in surprise. "Is that so?"

"Yes, you and your friends are here today because of me."

The monster was now even more surprised. "I am here because of a mere human?"

"You are the offspring of a calamity of my own making, and your friends are the aftershock of my doing."

"My power is from your 'doing,' you say. Well now you tell me, human, who are you?"

"I am the father of death and destruction, your creator."

"I see, and what do you plan to gain from telling me this?"

"I ask simply: do you, a being from my creation, believe it is my fault truly for all this death and weaponry that were made because of my work? Are you aware of why I have done this?"

"I know little of humans but I believe I know what you are referring to. A great quarrel of nations which created me. A great attack I suppose was from your own doing which led to a surrendering of this land." The beast thought for a moment. "I would say it is your doing for the death and destruction that led to my birth, but I would say it is their stubborn and dangerous nature which led to that calamity becoming necessary."

"I see." The man tipped his hat and disappeared.

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