Preface A - Dran Stonedrifter

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A - The Dwarven Kingdoms

     Rocks, rocks, occasionally ore, and yet more rocks. The stone mines of the Dwarven Kingdom of Zudora, Zudora is but one of many kingdoms, are all kinds of colors: white, quartz white, stone grey, grey, and the deeper you go in the mines the darker the color of the stone gets. The mines are unusually large It is as if one is walking down the same-colored hall for hours; they never know which way they are going, unless they keep in mind various holes and halls left where ore once was, or if they are going in circles. One could get lost forever in these mines and never see the light of day again. Anyone who is not a dwarf is advised not to go to the kingdoms without a dwarven guide. 

     Caves, Crags, Crevices, Corners and Mines all make up the Dwarven Kingdoms. Flora is completely absent from the kingdoms aside from a cave that has a water source. Even in that situation it is most likely poisonous mushrooms and other harmful flora. Dwarven food is mostly hunted fauna or obtained via trading. Various buildings designations such as: Various Crafts, Sanitation, residential, and governmental buildings dot these said Caves, Crags, Crevices, and Mines. Yet all these various locations share the same thing in common, stone. It is uncanny on how all the kingdoms' buildings look similar; there is a reason for this all Dwarven Kingdoms stem from a once united and much larger kingdom lead by an actual king. It seems as if the dwarfs have completely forgotten what a kingdom actually is. At times it can be confusing and difficult to discern on which territory belongs to who, and which kingdom is located where.

     There are several dwarven kingdoms: Zudora, Erthilla, Lorthol, Kroll just to name a few. In fact, the term 'kingdom' is thrown around loosely as no variant has king, rather a council of the eldest dwarfs alive. This is called 'The Elder Council' which also a loose term thrown around as the council is just a few of the oldest dwarfs who decide: where to mine, what to build, who does what, the territory of said kingdom, and what to do if another kingdom mines their way into said territory. The council is a set of rules that all dwarfs follow in order to maintain a peaceful co-existence. This concept has proven ineffective many times as the various councils have warred over each other's territory many times.

     Common causes for war amongst the Dwarven Kingdoms include territorial infiltration, and which kingdom should be the true kingdom and reunite the kingdoms once again. In fact, in this time the kingdoms of Zudora, Lorthol, Erthilla, and Kroll are currently at war.  Lorthol has mined its way into Zudora territory and war instantly broke out; the councils weren't even consulted. Kroll joined Lorthols, Kroll call themselves warring kingdom, side. Kroll always joins a war no matter what the reason behind it is, they are warmongering and very violent. Erthilla is enemies with Kroll specifically because Erthilla is an anti-war kingdom they are very peaceful, except for when they are forced to be violent, and open to the idea of a one true kingdom. They are at war in the first place because they are natural enemies with Kroll, so they are on Zudoras side. The war has waged on for months at this point.

     The air is stained with strong scent of iron as blood spills and soils the stone floor. The flow of battle is a beautiful and delicate dance with frantic yelling that is adorn by the unmistakable sounds of steel clashing. Father and son fall one by one, just a mere pawn in a larger scheme, and friends fight friends. This is the nastiest and bloodiest war the Dwarven Kingdoms have experienced by far. The war is currently taking place in Zudora where Lorthol mined into their territory, the war shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. 

B - Dran

     Amongst the hectic dance of battle is a middle-aged dwarf, stout and short yet taller than most dwarves his age. His hair seems to almost glow in the darkness such as it is so red. His face dons a rather bushy and long beard just as red as hair. This stout dwarf is fighting a Kroll War chief currently. He has been knocked on the ground and is awaiting the final blow. He makes out words from the war chief. 

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