Chapter 1- Making of Monarch

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It is a beautiful summer morning in London, sun is rising slowly slowly in the horizon, still smooth cold winds marking their presence by giving sparking shivers to one’s body and down the street walking a fine young Arab man, dashing looks, athletic thin body, chiseled jaw, in his late 20s, rushing toward the university, because he is late to attend the lecture of Dr. Hussain, who is considered to be one of the top most authority on Middle East social, political and economic aspects, today he is giving lecture on the topic “Middle Eastern Dictators, prevailing crisis in Middle East and their effect on world politics”. Suddenly someone call out his name from behind “Daysam, wait, Daysam wait for me,”. Daysam looked behind it is his friend Armando, Daysam said “run fast I don’t want to be late for Dr. Hussain’s lecture, u know how long I have been waiting to hear him.”
They entered the lecture hall and took their seats, Dr. Hussain was about to finish the introduction of his topic and then start sharing his experience with middle eastern dictators and how middle east changing demography will affect the world order. Daysam said to Armando “told you to run fast, now see we missed the introduction”, Armando replied “chill dude it’s only an introduction, still whole lecture is left”. Daysam replied “shutup”, and Daysam start focusing on the lecture.
Dr. Hussain said “There are many big and small region in that part of the world which are ruled by different type of dictators, they have their own agendas and their own ego’s to satisfy. However, there lies a small but very interesting and proud country known as Ard-al-Salam, it located very close to Iran, however it has tense relationship with Iran, that’s why America want Ard-al-Salam to be his pet dog and bark on Iran, whenever they command, however as I said earlier it’s a small but very proud nation, still keeping America at his bay and protecting its border from Iran and fighting a decades long civil war, still I believe that this country and his people has the potential to decide the future of Middle Eastern politics.
Someone raises hand from the audience and said “Yesterday, I heard about this country in news their King is about to die and there were rumors that America is going to send his troops to maintain law and order in the region.
Dr. Hussain smiled and said “Yes, just like they maintained it in Vietnam and Afghanistan every one laughs. He looked at Daysam and continued, yes their king is really ill and the pupil their waiting for someone to come there and save them from future chaos.”
Daysam got shocked and amazed why the professor looked at him while making that statement. He, stopped in the class even after the lecture is finished and confronted Dr. Hussain and asked him why he looked at him while making that statement.
Dr. Hussain replied “I apologies, I know its rude to directly look in the eyes of royalty, My Prince, I am but your humble servant please forgive me.”
Daysam, looked with amazed and confused face and said but how you knew, I never told anyone about it.
Dr. Hussain give him a phone and put a hand on his shoulder and said gently in his ear please talk to him it might be his last words, from the other side came a fragile, weak but very familiar voice which said “Son, come home I need you now more than ever, your, weak ill father is surrounded by vultures who are just waiting for me to die, so that they, can tear my beautiful country piece by piece just for some money, power and their ego, come fast my son, or else their might be nothing left for you to call your home. Daysam took a long deep breath and in that moment in his heart he knew, no matter how hard he tries and no matter how far away he runs he can’t change his destiny. Daysam, replied “I”ll be there by tomorrow my King, wait for me Abba, your son will make it all right”.
Dr. Hussain looked at Prince Daysam and said my Prince your plane is waiting for you at the airport with all your belongings, please grace Ard-al-Salam with your presence.
Prince Daysam replied “I am not going alone, you will accompany me in my journey and I like to have a briefing on current conditions of our home”.
On plane prince Daysam asked Dr. Hussain how did they find him after so many years.
Dr. Hussain replied “My Prince it was your mother’s wish to not get found, however, it is our duty to protect both of you and believe me when I say, we are really good at it. Your mother was a wonderful lady; she didn’t want to raise you in the harsh environment of Ard-al-salam. She wanted to run away from all the chaos and raise you in a peaceful environment. Our King loved your mother very much he didn’t stop her and let her fulfil her wish and we also keep our distance and never interfered. Alas, we can’t protect her from her demise, unfortunately, we can’t fight tumor, but believe me my Prince whole country mourned for her. Our nation is going through troubling time and we are in dire need of a someone who can guide us through this disaster or else we all lost in the chaos, which your mother afraid one day will engulf our beautiful home.” Daysam replied “I don’t know what all of you are expecting from me, I don’t know if I will be able to deliver it or not, I even don’t know if am worthy for that throne, I am going there just to meet my dying father and right now I am thinking only about that.”

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