Prologue (chapter 0.5)

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Before my alarm goes off I like to take a few minutes to stare. There's so much you can notice so early in the morning, analyzing everyone's routine from the comfort of your room, noticing their typical behaviors as a human being and how they act during such early hours. I quietly reach for the handle, this action causing my arm to crack a few times, my hand is vaguely shaking as I'm trying to twist the handle but I brush it off as a reaction to the cold morning breeze. As I pull the handle towards me I notice my reflection in the clear glass window, a long pale face staring back at me with its eyes hiding countless sleepless nights. A shiver traces down my spine making my skin burn, the curtains are now animating as the wind blows through my room causing a feeling of emptiness to fill up my lungs. I'm saved right on time as my phone starts vibrating on the bedside, soon after a piano song starts playing hitting the same perfect notes as each morning, I grab my phone to stop the alarm noticing footsteps from down the hall approaching, a shadow emerging right outside my door anxiously pacing. I drop my phone back on the counter and let it vibrate for a few more seconds until the shadow leaves, walking down the stairs and announcing the last step with a loud creak. By the time my alarm finally stops our kitchen is filled with laughter, I decide not to think much of it since it never lasts by the time I get there.

I walk across the room from side to side, circling around and debating whether I should show up at school today. I'm feeling unusually confident for such a cold day so I don't overthink it much and grab a pair of jeans that have been sitting untouched on my chair for over a week and scavenge in my dresser for a sweater, one that would preferably fully cover my chest and arms. I drag the jeans over my hips, zip them up, and move to further search for a fitting pair of socks. My jeans end up falling to my knees announcing depressingly my sudden loss of weight, these were once-fit jeans but it seems like they don't match my meticulous body anymore. I move across the room to my dresser and lift my hand in an attempt to reach for my belt but I immediately put it down as my fingers start fidgeting, my hands freeze next to my body  for what seems like an eternity until they regain strength. Such desperate situations require desperate solutions, solutions that normally drain me of my powers but I deserve a regular day. I loudly open my door and make my way to the bathroom down the hall making sure each step makes as much noise as possible. My school routine has changed ever since my last doctor appointment, besides the normal "brushing the teeth" and "using deodorant" I also had to add "use tan spray" to the list, the last few weeks have been cruel, I used up 3 medium bottles of tan spray and I begged for a fourth one. Despite my efforts, I've been declined and I never received a 4th one, my skin is a disgusting yellowish color, and I wish I could burn it until I can peel it off.

     ... (downstairs)

- There is no way they fed you canned food, it's just not possible, my mother says following with a colorful laugh.

- Yeah. They did. The food was so bland and tasteless that I had to chew it like gum. His voice fades as the creak silences the room, all of them turn their head to me.

My mother turns her head to me and spreads her arms open calling me in for a hug I suppose.

- So I guess you are back again, I arrogantly say without paying attention to my mother's gesture.

- Are you not happy to see him? my father says turning his head back to Justin. He told us he misses you so much, adding a colorful laugh as well.

Despite the comments, I decided to ignore both of them and turn my attention to something more important.

- I'm going to school today, is there any way you could drop me off? I ask, facing my mom, this time paying attention.

- I'm sorry honey but I'm on guard this morning. We're expecting a busy day, my mom adds while sipping coffee from a red cup and sewing herself up in a long navy blue coat.

-You will take him to school, right Richie? My dad stops from scrolling on his phone and moves his head from left to right announcing that he's also unavailable.

- I take it you guys don't bother to care about my education anymore. My mother opens her mouth to add something but I cut her mid-breath. It seems like you only take care of one of your kids, I murmur with my hands crossed.

- You know it's not like that baby-

- I'm taking the bus, Mom, don't bother. I grab my laptop in  a hurry, stuff it in my bag, and slam the door shut on my way out.

The way their faces were lit up while talking to him was like they had forgotten all the atrocities he put us through.

- Come on I'll take you to school, Justin says while quietly closing the door I just shut. Always trying to be the hero, too bad he couldn't save himself.

- No need, I already announced that I'm taking the bus.

- Don't be like this, let me show you I'm getting better, his face was full of hope.

- No.

I swerve a right and walk towards the bus station, passing by a dozen blooming nests of roses that smell just like spring, too bad I'm a winter person. I despise the warmth of spring and the hotness of summer instead I love the breathtaking cold of winter, it gives me more comfort than any of my therapists ever did. On my left I hear an engine running, I turn my head and see Justin driving my mother's car. I roll my eyes and start tracing my steps faster to the bus station, when I get there he won't be able to drag me in that car and have a long awkward drive with him.

-Come on, Colie, get in the car, it's cold outside. He said rolling the window down.

"It's cold outside", my whole body feels like a burning flame, and him following me only tenses me further. I start running in hopes I would lose him but instead, I stumble on a flat rock and fall on my knees. My eyes swell with tears, there's blood dripping down to my ankles and my bag ended up in a huge puddle of mud that looks like dog shit.

-Oh my god! Are you alright? Justin pulls over and makes his way around the car. He is wearing a large black hoodie and a pair of jeans similar to mine although his shoes are a little muddy he quickly extends his arm to help me.

-Stop! I scream.

A woman on the other side of the road who is walking her brown husky witnesses this whole conversation.

-I don't need your help, I add before the woman would get a wrong idea. He is speechless, his brown eyes widen and his smile fades as I fastly get up. Justin notices the huge stain of blood on my baggy jeans so he starts searching his pockets for a tissue.

My head is humming and my hands are shaking again, I can tell my pupils are enormous because the amount of light getting into my eyes almost blinds me. I take a step back and all of a sudden everything is pitch black. I don't hear my heart beating anymore.

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