Chapter 1; New Home

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"Ugh.. How the hell did I get here.." You question yourself, rubbing your head.

It seems you fell into the cave. The one that has all of those myths surrounding it. The myths about monsters underground.

Everyone knows that those are just myths though, right? Surely there were never any REAL monsters that lived among humans. Surely it was just a metaphor.

A metaphor for bad people. The kinds of people that your parents read you stories about. The "monsters."

These kinds of people are full of greed, they only wish for war and hatred. They're people that are imprisoned by their sick and sadistic desires.

That's what you had thought monsters were.

At least after you were old enough to stop believing the fairytales parents would tell their children.

The fairytales about human-like animals and creatures with sharp teeth and red eyes. The monsters that would wait until a child fell down the hole, to take them in and eat them.

Everyone above 10 years old knows that's just what parents told their children to prevent them from wondering off alone.

The hole is real, but the monsters aren't. Just myths. You know this because you've lived near that cave since you were little and you've not seen a single monster.

Still though.. how are you supposed to get out of here?

You look up at the top of the cave. It was a steep fall down.

"How did I even survive that?" You sigh to yourself before looking around at your surroundings.

It's dark.. and cold. The cave walls are wet and the air feels moist. You shudder.

While getting up you notice that the bottom of your jeans have ripped, likely due whatever you tripped over.

"Tch.. damn." You sigh.

Deciding to brush it off, you continue walking. It seems there's a trail on the ground, maybe you should follow it.

And follow it you did. The trail is long, and it feels like the longer you walk, the more narrow the cave gets.

Narrower.. and narrower...

You notice yourself shuddering again, holding yourself for warmth.

Before it suddenly becomes not so narrow nor cold anymore. Now it feels warm, and there's a big open space. A flower bed, right in front of you.

"Flowers? Are those really flowers?"

Your entire face lights up, but then it's followed by confusion.

"How could flowers grow in a cave? There's no sunlight at all down here..."

You walk closer, examining the golden colored flowers.


A talking flower popped up. What the hell?

"AH!" You stumble back, falling against the cold ground.

"Shh! You'll alert the others!" The flower hisses back at you.

It's entire demeanor changed. It looks.. scared?

"Others..? What do you mean others..? What are you..."

You stare at the creature, it looks seemingly harmless but you're still too scared to move any closer.

"My name is Flowey, I'm going to help you get out of here.."

Flowey looks around nervously before hearing a twig snap around the corner.

"Quick, get up! I think Toriel's coming!"

You don't even have time to think, let alone get up before you're greeted with a giant.. goat woman?

Is this Toriel?

She throws her arm up in the air, creating a giant fireball in the palm of her hands.

You scream once again and quickly cover your face with your arms, curling up while sitting on the ground.

But the fireball doesn't hit you, it hits the flower that was talking to you, causing him to quickly retreat into the ground.

"What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor innocent youth.." She walks closer.

You stay curled up, shuddering in fear.

"Don't be scared my child.. come here."

She says that.. but nothing about her appearance isn't terrifying. Her large yellow eyes, her sharp baring teeth, her matted furr.

Nothing about her says she's safe.

But.. what other choice do you have..?

You stand up and slowly and walk over to her hesitantly.

"Oh my child.. What's happened to your clothes?" She notices the bottom of your jeans are torn, "And your leg has been scraped.."

You hadn't noticed the scrape before. It didn't hurt, it hardly even broke skin.

"Let me take you in.. We'll get you cleaned up and well fed."

She holds out her hand, waiting for you to take it.

This doesn't seem like a good idea..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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