Surreal, Like A Dream...

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I wonder if I will ever be able to tell him.'

He thought as he sulked on the warm roof of Shigure's house. Kyo opened his eyes and stared at the clouds wisping  their way across the sky. Honestly, he knew he wouldn't have the balls to tell someone he liked them, (Hell the words 'confessing love' sounded too sissy on their own) but as much as he hated saying it, 

The cat craved more than victory from Yuki. 

At first he would have vomited at the thought, but with each dodged punch, landed kick, or second  being launched in to the air, Kyo  began to notice that the anger wasn't all he felt anymore. The way that Yuki was so smart, the way his beautiful crystal-like eyes burned with Indigo flames whenever he did anything he was good at, (which was mostly everything but cooking honestly.) The way he fought with so much tact and grace, and especially the fact that he was not too hard to look at either... Kyo would know, as he often found himself staring at Rat-Boy; no wonder the poor cat could never beat the rat, he was hopelessly in love! He soon realised that he didn't want his fist balled up to punch, he wanted his hand to gently rest in the other's. He didnt want to yell, he wanted to whisper kind things into the other's ear. He didn't like being angry, but falling in love with your sworn enemy? That is enough to send anyone's temper over the edge. Each time he would say or do something he'd just get so pissed off at himself, that he'd lash out at anyone, no matter how much they meant to him.

The biggest problem was that with each outburst, he felt his love hate him more and more and Kyo knew that yuki's opinion of him couldn't possibly be worse. Hell, he couldn't even stand a chance in fighting him. No matter how hard he tried, Kyo couldn't bring himself to hurt Yuki. However, he always put up a show for him, he'd kick and punch, but only at a speed he knew Yuki could block. He used to try , sure,  but after his training in the mountains, he found that he could win a fight, but lose his crush completely.  How could he choose what he wanted most: victory and rob Yuki's acceptance by the zodiac, or  to muddle through for the sake of the one he loved?

"But I WILL beat him!" Escaped the carrot color haired teen with a jolt of anger as he stood on the roof, fist raised at nothing in particular. "I WILL beat that damn Yuki, no matter how I feel!" Immediately Kyo silenced himself and looked down at the ground and porch to make sure no one had hear his outburst. He could barely admit it to himself, much less to someone else! if anyone else found out he would be in deep shit; if Yuki found out about his crush on him he'd be in...A soft chuckle came from behind him. 

 Deeper shit. 

 The cat turned to find the rat sitting comfortably behind him, hand over his face like he was trying to contain his laughter but found himself failing."WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING UP HERE DAMN RAT!" Kyo blurted in surprise. The other boy wore a smirk on his perfect face, those damn eyes burning violet flames. "Obviously hearing something I shouldn't. So tell me Kyo," he said raising an eyebrow in curiosity, "How DO you feel towards me?" Kyo felt his face flush, and quickly turned away from Yuki, "None of your damn business, now leave me alone!" came Kyo's outburst as he began to scoot furiously towards the edge of the roof. Apparently Yuki knew better, "Really now," he said as he crawled toward the back of his 'enemy' and wrapped his arms around the cat. "I think I want to know you stupid cat." 

The one phrase that would normally set Kyo off on a rampage was suddenly so... endearing.Kyo turned, their faces now only inches from one another. He saw a slight pink on the rat's usually pale cheeks, much less red than Kyo felt his face burning. 'It would be so easy just to bridge that gap between us...' He thought.Yuki began to slowly lean forward and Kyo felt himself doing the same, like gravity was pulling them together. Their eyes closed and Kyo's heart felt like it was trying to escape his chest. 'This is what I really want. i want more than to beat the damn rat. I want rat himself.' The whole scene felt planned like in one of those sappy, cliche movies that Kyo would normally sleep through and Tohru would love, but it felt so right instead. It felt surreal, like a dream. 

Kyo could feel Yuki smile as their lips almost met and say two words he had  said so many times before:" Stupid Cat."Kyo was taken off guard as a hand slapped the back of his head, "Wake up." Kyo tried to open his eyes but they felt glued shut. "Wake up!" Yuki repeated. Gravity seemed to intensify on his face."WAKE UP!"Kyo's eyes shot open and he sat up like a bullet. He was in his seat, at his desk. He looked around at the empty seats around him and found himself alone. Except for a certain Grey haired Sohma. " Stupid cat, the bell rang five minutes ago, it's time to go home." Yuki said in an annoyed tone as he walked out of the room, 

" Stupid cat, always falling asleep in class..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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