The Garden

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Terra had been at the Royal Palace for four days now. She was only now able to move about freely within it. Terra had written a letter to her grandmother and she also write a short one to Flow just to update her on what was happening since she left. The women had gotten a few more meetings with the King and thankfully Terra hadn't been questioned relentlessly again like she was at the first breakfast. King Gael mostly focused on the noble women in the group, as was expected. In the mean time Terra became better acquainted with the other commoners. Terra particularly got on with May and Lucy since they were all commoners in the eyes of the elvish royal court. Lucy and Terra could bond over their shared love of cooking and baking. May and Terra could bond over archery since they both could wield bows.

It was the height of summer and the royal garden was in full bloom. The rumors about the rabbit and fox flowers was true, Terra made sure to write to her grandmother about that since Terra knew her grandmother would enjoy learning about something like that. May was much taller than Lucy and she was just a few more centimetres taller than Terra. Terra thought that May might be taller than the King and Sir Darryl. Terra was sitting on the group will picking up daisies go weave into the flower crown she was making. Lucy was reading a box with her head of May's lap. May and Lucy quickly became best friends in such a short space of time, Terra thought about her friendship with Flow, Terra considered Flow her best friend but she wasn't sure if Flow felt the same way about Terra. "So how's Flow doing?" May asked Terra lazily as she was lying against a tree in the garden. Terra smiled "Flow is in Tornmin playing in one of the pubs there at the moment and she said that she met a few people who caught her eye!". "That's good, I'm glad she's doing well!" May replied and went back to taking her afternoon nap. Terra finished her flower crown and decided it would be funny to place it on top of Lucy's head.

Lucy was delighted by the crown, she asked in a joking tone if the crown made her look like a princess. "Even Better! You look like a queen!" Terra told Lucy with merriment in her voice. Terra was so very happy that she finally had friends. She couldn't believe she went without friends she could relate to for years, even though she only had known them for a short time Terra now couldn't imagine going back to her life the way it was. She didn't want to be lonely anymore, Terra also knew that she wouldn't want to distract herself with her work because of her loneliness anymore, Terra wanted friends she could rely on to he their for her in tough times.  The three women chatted idly for a while before a maid none of them knew came running up to them.

"Excuse me my ladies but I'm looking for the lady Terra Riverglade!" The maid explained quickly with a short bow of the head as a sign of respect. "I'm Terra Riverglade!" Terra stated with her usual warm and friendly voice to the maid. The maid started to figet a little bit but managed to get what she needed to say out. "His royal majesty King Gael Honeyblood requests for the lady Terra Riverglade's presence in the throne room before the hour is up and he commands that I am to escorted you to the throne room". Terra knodded and quickly got up from the ground and hastily brushed off any dirt on her dress with her hands. She said her goodbyes to May and Lucy and left the garden with the maid.

The maid rushed Terra down multiple halls, when they got to the doors of the throne room Terra was slightly out of break. She hadn't moved that quickly in such a distance since she did physical education in secondary school when she was younger. Terra never imagined that she would have to move that fast ever again. The guards slowly opened the doors for Terra and the maid and the maid ushered Terra inside. If Maria found out that Terra had an audience with the King and she wasn't properly dressed for it, Maria would never let Terra out of her sight again to avoid this happening another time. "Your majesty, I have brought Terra Riverglade!" Announced the maid who curtised to King Gael while keeping her head bowed as she stood up. King Gael was sitting on his throne made from branches and leaves and wild flowers and he was reading a scroll that one of his advisors had handed to him to read just before Terra and the maid arrived. King Gael didn't acknowledge the two women in front of him for what felt like the longest time to Terra, in reality it was probably only ten minutes. The maid didn't speak again and Terra knew better than to interrupt the King while he was doing something he deemed more important than addressing the two women he had in front of him.

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