1. Prologue

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Being a Squib in a proud pure-blood family, Cassiopeia had always known that her life would be hard. And being beaten every single day, was something she had to get to used to.
Cassiopeia had thought that being locked in a basement for most of her life was as bad as things could get. But she was wrong.
Her own mother Walburga, had tried to kill her with poison, and she had almost succeeded.
If Cassiopeia's brothers; Regulus and Sirius, hadn't interfered, she would have died when she was a teenager.

Even once Cassiopeia escaped Grimmauld Place, her life didn't get any easier.
She moved from place to place, never really having her own home.
Saying goodbye to people she cared about, became a pastime for Cassiopeia, as the wizarding world entered a horrible war. She lost her brother Regulus, and her favourite Uncle Alphard.

The only light Cassiopeia had at the end of the tunnel was her love for her cousins Andromeda and Narcissa.
She loved spending time with their children; Nymphadora and Draco. Cassiopeia was even made Draco's godmother.
Along with her cousins, Cassiopeia made friends with her brother's favourite people, known to everyone as the Marauders; Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, and James Potter. They were like one big happy family.
But when Peter Pettigrew betrayed them all, Cassiopeia's life got even worse.

James and Lily were killed by Voldemort, leaving Cassiopeia's other godson Harry, an orphan.
Her brother Sirius was then sent to Azkaban for being a death eater, despite him being completely innocent. And her father died on the very same day.
Cassiopeia tried to defend her brother in court, but she ended up being forced back into Grimmauld Place by the Ministry, who believed she couldn't look after herself.

Walburga needed a male heir to carry on the Black family name.
And when Cassiopeia refused to do as she was told, Walburga took drastic measures.
Walburga forced Lucius Malfoy to rape Cassiopeia, until she eventually fell pregnant with a son, whom she named Alfie.
When Cassiopeia had given birth, she was then thrown out onto the streets by Walburga, which is where she hatched her plan to poison her mother.
Her plan worked a little too well, and she ended up poisoning her son as well as her son, killing them both.

Unsure of what else to do with her life, now that she was a homeless criminal, Cassiopeia decided to watch over Harry from a distance, to make sure that he was O.K.
She became the fairy godmother that he never knew he had.
Cassiopeia was good at remaining hidden from the wizarding world, and from Harry.
But when Harry turned 11 and recieved his Hogwarts letter, Cassiopeia stopped trying so hard to hide herself. She felt there was no point anymore, as Harry now knew about Hogwarts, and the wizarding world.

Cassiopeia thought she was still being stealthy enough to not be noticed by Harry.
But she was proved wrong, when one August afternoon, she was stopped in the streets by the young bespectacled boy, with jet black hair, bright green eyes, and second-hand clothes.
"Who are you?".

Cassiopeia turned around and found herself face to face with her godson; Harry Potter.
She hadn't spoken to him since he was a baby, even though she had seen him almost every day of his life since then.
"Who are you?" Harry asked again.
"No one" mumbled Cassiopeia, as she tried to turn back around.
Harry refused to take this as an answer, so he ran around her, to make sure that he was facing her once again.

"You are clearly someone. You've been following me my whole life. I've always known you were there, even if I couldn't see you. I used to think you were just a figment of my imagination. But over the past few weeks, I've been seeing you even more. So I know that you are definitely real. It's like you aren't even trying to hide yourself anymore, and I want to know why. So, who are you? And why have you been stalking me?" Demanded Harry.
"That's not what I'm doing" insisted Cassiopeia.

"You've been following me my whole life. Watching me from the shadows. And recently I learned something strange about myself. Since then, you've been coming further out of the shadows, and I think the two things are connected. So who are you?" Questioned Harry.
Cassiopeia smiled, "You're smarter than I thought".
"So, I'm right? You're someone from the wizarding world. You have magic like me" replied Harry.
"Not exactly" admitted Cassiopeia.
"Then who are you?"
"You can call me Cee. I'm a friend of your parents. And if you want to know who I am, then you had better buckle up, as it is rather a long story".


This book is a sequel to Squib in the basement, so I recommend reading that book first, if you haven't already.

This book and its predecessor discuss dark themes like child abuse and SA.
So, only read these books if you are comfortable with these themes.

Squib On The Run (sequel to Squib In The basement)Where stories live. Discover now