Georgies disappearance

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Rain. Banging against the window as a piano plays.

Georgie denbrough gazes out the window nervously.
"Sure i wont get in trouble, Billy?" Georgie asks his older brother who was sat in bed surrounded in by tissues as he was finishing putting creases on a paper boat
"Dont be a w-wuss. I'd come with you if I weren't (cough) dying." Bill told his younger brother as Georgie stood.
"Your not dying." Georgie said with a serious tone as he walked a step forward to billy
"You didnt see the vomit that was coming out of my nose this morning?" Bill told Georgie as he threw a kleenex at georgie. "Now g-g-go on, get the wax."
"In the cellar?" Georgie said as he felt tense
" you want it to float dont you?" Bill said

Georgie felt hesitant. Scared, even. Resigned, he looks over at the walkie-talkies laying on the shelf. Grabs one and goes.

(Time skip so i dont bore myself or you guys)
"There you go shes all ready captain." Billy said having the two boys grin, the cozy room full of cheerful brotherly love. Georgie gives billy a kiss on the cheek, startling him.
"Thanks, billy."georgie telling his brother as he walked away

Holding his boat, georgie exits through the front door. Once more,the walkie-talkie in his slicker pocket crackles to life.
"Be careful" bill says through the walkie
George stops and looks up at his brother in the window look down at him as Georgie gives him a little wave.
A dead traffic light sways overhead,its black lenses gazing back a the little boy in his yellow slicker and red galoshes.
Georgie races down the street passing dark houses after his paper boat, which sluices along a gutter swollen with rushing rainwater toward the intersection.
The boat whistles past the blockade of sawhorses marked dept of ferry public works as Georgie ducks under one but not the second making him bang his head and fall making him lose track of his paper boat as he got back up
"No!" Georgie yelled and continued to chase after his paper boat reaching for it as it went inside a sewer. Georgie looks ready to cry
"Bill gonna kill me." Georgie said and panicked
The little boy peer into the storm drain,water falling in the darkness.
A small sound comes within showing a white faced clown showing his paper boat
"Is this your boat?" The clown says to the little boy with its voice sounding sad.
Georgie looks around hoping someone is around to hear this. It's just him and the rain. And from a old woman's house she turns attention to her cat, scraping out the cats food into a plate.
"It's a nice boat. Floats" the clown said as the little boy looks back at the drain.
"Why are you in a sewer?" Georgie told the clown
"Oh, the circus said not to say." The clown smiled at the little boy
"How come?"Georgie questioned
"They don't let me in on that stuff. I just do my tricks for the kids. You look like a nice boy. I'll bet you have a lot of friends." The clown smiled creepily at the boy
"Three.But my brother is my best best..." Georgie glances at the paper boat, between the clowns feet as he picked up the boat.
"your best best. Is this his boat?" The clown looked at the boat then back at the little boy.
"He made it for me." Georgie told the clown as a big grin swells across the clowns face
"That's a good brother, where is he?"
"He is in bed. Sick." The little boy frowned
"Let me cheer him up. I can take both of you to the circus." The clown smiled with evil
"He wont want to go" George told the clown as he looked around
"Why not? There's cotton candy and bearded women and all the balloons your brother could want." The clown went on
"He's 13. He thinks balloons are dumb. And clowns are dumb." George thought
The clowns face turns, a dawning awareness "well you dont do you?"
Georgie shrugs.
"I'll take just you then."
"I dont know. Im not supposed to talk to strangers." Georgie frowns
" smart smart parents,Well im pennywise the dancing clown!"
"Pennywise?"George said
"Yes." Pennywise chuckled "Georgie meets pennywise."
Georgie laughs
"Now we aren't stranger , are we?"the clown contained as Georgie just stared
Then a women in her 50s comes out hugging herself because of how cold she was pulling up the blinds that were outside as she saw George looking through the sewer then gets back inside
As pennywise had a low growl Georgie contained the conversation "i should get going now." He whimpered
"Oh. Without your boat? You don't wanna lose it, Georgie. Bills gonna kill you" pennywise said earning a quiet Georgie
'Here take it"he held up the boat " take it Georgie."
Georgie scooched closer to pennywise reaching his arm out as the feeling between them was tense so then pennywise grabbed his arm tightly opening his mouth so wide you could see millions of rows of sharp teeth jack down on the little boys hand earning a loud crying scream from georgie as he then turned back with no right arm crying in pain trying to get away as the blood drains down.
Then seeing pennywise stretch his arm reaching for the poor little boy dragging him down the sewer with him.
"Billy!" He yells crying as he gets dragged down.
Now leaving silence.

That was the last day bill ever saw his little brother.

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