Chapter 1~Luca

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Hello, everyone! Just a heads up before I start writing this story will include the following...
Idiots in love
Sea Monsters. Duh!

There will be 0 Nsfw in this because these are MINORS. Everyone needs to remember that.

This story will most likely be updated 1-4 times a week!

Each chapter will have around 500-600 Words!

Let's get started!


          Chapter 1.

Luca Awoken, the kelp in the sea swayed around, He was the last to wake up, Daniela his mother, Lorenzo his father and Grandma Paguro Have already woken up, Daniela wanted to wake Luca up alot earlier but Grandma Paguro told her to let Luca sleep in.

"Augh?! I slept in! Who's watching the fish?!"

Luca yelled with worry. He rushed up into the clearing of the cave, his family already There

"Ma, Pa? Why did you let me sleep in?!"

Luca asked with a confused tone. His family just stayed silent until his grandmother spoke.

"Oh, luca! You're always overworking yourself... Are you mad that we let you sleep in?"

Luca let out a small sigh and started to assure his grandma that he wasn't mad, just a bit upset.

"I'm not mad, Grandmama. I just care about my fish."

He smiled, and His grandma nodded as well as Daniela, excusing him.

"Yay! Thanks, mom, grandma!"

He had a big smile on his face, and hugged them both, he then ran to his dad and hugged him aswell, now exiting the cave and grabbed his 'Herding Stick' (Shepherds Crook)

Luca gathered his goatfish and went to the grassy patch.

He slumped down onto his rock boredly, not knowing why he was actually so excited, he was watching the sky above, wondering what it was like above water, he then felt waves and quickly rushed to get all of his fish, hiding them under a small cave like area, hiding from the boat. The boat had left, and Luca sighed and let his fish continue whatever they were doing.

"I wonder what it's like above..."

He muttered to himself.

10 minutes later...

Giuseppe was poking around something and kept headbutting it, causing it to go off. Ringing went thru the waters, grabbing lucas attention

"Giuseppe! What do you have?"

He said in a kinda serious tone, there was a human item in the water, it was the shape of a circle with a bit smaller half circles sitting on top of it across eachother and arrows in the bigger circle, it was a clock.

"Huh..? What's this?"

Luca spoke and picked up the clock, starting to examine it, he then looked further as something caught his eye, he them was swimming up to it and grabbed it, a card?, he carefully looked at it

"These are pretty!"

He smiled Softly and carefully looked around for more, seeing a old music player, he swimmed up to it quickly, swimming all around around it, not noticing someone in a sucba suit was behind him until he stepped closer, with the scuba suit on, it made a some what loud noise when he stepped causing Luca to turn and look in fear.


Thanks for reading this!
Contuines on chapter 2!

539 Words in total to everything!

《●°•°𝐒𝐞𝐚 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫°•°● 》~ Luca X Alberto Story!Where stories live. Discover now