Part 16

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POV: Mr Park

The girls were in the kitchen talking and my brother and I sat in the living area. The joy that was flowing through my body was indescribable. Hannah was back and the first thing that I wanted for us was to go to the beach and watch the sunset together. I wanted to hold her hand in mine and listen to her talk about everything and nothing. Maybe I could read her a book while she falls asleep or take her to church. Goodness, I was ecstatic. I wanted to do everything with her.

"I also want your eyes to light up when they see me," commented Gideon.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your mood swings. One minute you want to leave the country and the next you are here becoming soft for someone other than me. Pathetic."

"Are you jealous that someone other than you has caught my attention?"

"Jealous? Me? Gideon? Yes, very much so."

"You found your flower; allow me to also pluck mine, brother."

"Have you seen yourself around her? You melt like a candle."

"I love that you noticed that and I also hope that she notices. I love feeling this way. It's weird yet it feels so right and...I don't know brother. I am just so happy."

"Who are you and what have you done with my brother?" Gideon asked, amazed.

Hannah and Abigail walked out of the kitchen with nothing but smiles on their faces, and that brought even more joy to my face – the fact that Hannah was getting along with my family was everything to me. Hannah sat across from me and here and there I would steal moments just to look at her and remind myself that she had indeed come back.


There were times when I would just wait for her in the kitchen as she prepared lunch or dinner. Thinking back, call me delusional or crazy or whatever but I honestly thought that every time I was around her, time stopped. I was a time management freak but with her, time didn't matter – being present mattered more. I would always be the first to taste her meals and to be honest, that made me feel seen and important. With her, I was not in a wheelchair and I would always forget that I was in a wheelchair, which made me realize that I had the best time in a wheelchair than when I could use my legs. Even though we are a population of 8 billion people on earth, finding a rare gems was hard – people who see you, appreciate your presence and genuinely care and love you for who you are and not what you bring to the table.

All my life, I have been surrounded by money and blood sucking vultures, if I may put it nicely...and I detested that so much. No one cared for my brother and I, thank God my mother had genuine, true friends who took us in and properly managed the estate that our mother'had left to us.

How do strangers love and take care of you better than your own blood?

If I was not working on a project, reading something or listening to Hannah chatter, I would listen to her terrible singing. She could not sing to save her life but she enjoyed it and because she enjoyed it, I enjoyed it, as well - because seeing her happy made me happy. Ask me how I got so comfortable with her and I'll honestly tell you that I do not know, it just happened. She was my distraction from reality, from my nightmares, panic attacks, work and my current situation. Hannah was so godly, lively, talkative, a gentle spirit and she was gorgeous. "How was I too handsome to go out with her?" I was thinking out loud when I noticed Hannah's' eyes on me.

She smiled as she continued to her series on TV.

I reached for the remote and turned the TV off. Hannah looked back at me, confused. "Why did you do that?" she asked.

"Go out with me, Hannah. I am not too handsome, I am just an ordinary guy with a nosey brother that is interested in getting to know more about you."

"Nurse Kelly is a call away,"

"Why are you choosing for me?" I asked, puzzled.

"You deserve the best," she replied.

"What if you're the best?"

"Don't lower your standards for me, Mr Park. Don't settle."

"Is it because I'm in a wheelchair?" I asked.

Hannah sat up from the sofa as she met my gaze. "You're very handsome, you have money, you have a good sense of humour, what do you want from me?"

"I do not want to sleep with you, if that is what you're implying. I genuinely want to get to know you and court you in the long-run."

"No Mr Park. Please find someone else to invest your time and energy in," she revealed, as she got up and walked away.

Do you ever get used to rejection? Hell no. Did it hurt for Hannah to reject me? Hell yeah. I had mastered up all my courage just to be dropped flat because I deserved the best? Now, what was I going to do? I could not walk out of the house, and I have to keep running into her because she was my care taker. I was an idiot for thinking that she would ever feel the same way. What a joke I was.

*****End of flashback

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