31.-'๑'-I Love You Angela-'๑'-

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Karina's POV:

We drove silently. The only thing on my head was me and Toms relationship. It was so confusing. Did he like me, or did he not care about me at all?

At the club he was wrapped around girls in thongs and tight skirts, but when we are alone, his attention is on me.

His face was cold. He wasn't smiling anymore like he was just 7 minutes ago.

We stopped at mine and Katya's house. Tom looked at me, waiting patiently for something..

I raised and eyebrow. Is he serious? After all this, the kiss, the moment we had even at the scariest times, he wouldnt even say anything, just, let me go? Well that says it all. He just doesnt like me. When the girls that dont intrest him don't go, he uses me to make them go away.

I got out of the car, slamming the doors shut.

"why so angry?" Tom rolled up the window.

"Shut up! Leave me alone." I said back, stomping to my door.
Ill get Katya back myself.

"Angela!" Tom shouted.

"I'm going back to Russia tomorrow." I stopped, mumbling out as Tom stepped out of the car.

"What?" he whispered.


My phone was buzzing all the way to the hospital. After we arrived, I went to the bathroom and I saw 7 missed calls from "Jerk xd"

Johnis, known as "jerk" is my ex best friend. We got into a fight in 12th grade and never communicated again, but he was calling me right now and I was scared shitless, not sure if because of the reason he is calling me or because HE is calling me.

I went into the bathroom and called him back.
"Hello?" I said.

"Angela? Is that you?" Johnis said.
His voice was a bit shaky.

"mhm, what do you want?" I said, concerned.

" Someone came to your house and like destroyed everything. And I mean everything. Your room, the windows, the kitchen, flooded the whole house. It's.. A mess.. Someone broke in. "

I froze.

"how do you know all this?" I asked him, my heart beating fast. I was devastated right now. All my things are destroyed.

"Oh come one Angela. I live like 15 blocks away and I always drive to work through the neighborhood. You think I wont notice the police, confused neighbors and the news?"
He replied.

"Should I come?" I asked again.

"yeah, the police want to question you a little, and obviously u need to fix this, I know you have a new life in another city but this can't be abandoned, you can always return back to Germany." Johnis said.


I ended the phone call. I was really shocked and sad, all my things were destroyed and I have no choice but to leave, atleast I can come back after all this mess. My emotionally and physically weak body and drained thoughts managed to get me out of the bathroom to Tom. I didn't want to tell Tom anything, just cause I was still slightly scared of him, but it was mostly because we aren't even that close anyways, he would probably forget about me as soon as I leave the city.

Present time:

I got in, slammed the door shut and dropped on the floor. Tears were streaming down my face as wrapped my hands around my knees. Tom came rushing in and kneeling beside me.

"But why?" he asked me, his voice so gentle, calming. He tried to hug me but I pushed him away.

"Don't touch me." I said, standing up.

"Just go Tom."

He didn't even protest. He just went out the door, silently.

I got to my room and started packing, also checked the flights and it was the perfect time and I instantly bought the tickets. I also packed Katya's stuff, but if she needed to pack more, she can pack it herself cause I'm gonna pick her up first thing in the morning.



7:23 AM

The alarm rang 2 times already, but I woke up from the second one.
The minute I got dressed. I stormed off to the door but just as I opened it, I saw Katya and Tom behind her. Maxim wasn't there.


"Tom told me you are leaving, I am obviously coming with you and you better explain why the hell are we leaving." Katya said walking past me to the bedroom, mad at me because she knew she can't stay here if I leave.

I stared at Tom, he stared at me. Then he got closer.

We didn't say anything to each other, just an awkward silence between us.

" Can you atleast explain? " He asked

" It's none of your business. " I replied.

"Does Isabella and Astrid know?"

"Go away."

"Are you coming back?"

"Why do you care?"

"cause I-"

Katya got down with both of our suitcases and threw them into Tom's car.

" I hope you'll drive us." She raised an eyebrow and sat into the car.

I walked past him into his car, as I heard him sigh in frustration behind me.


We arrived at the airport, almost making it on time. Tom followed us behind as we got to the area we needed to be in. Katya scanned her ticket and went trough into the other side of the airport, were you can only pass if you scan your plane ticket. Before I could press mine, Tom suddenly grabbed my wrist.

"Look, I don't know for what reason you are leaving, when are you coming back, I will wait for you." He said.

"Tom I need to go." I tried to escape his grasp but I couldn't.

"please text me. Call me." He added.

"Tom I'm serious." I grunted.

"I love you Angela."


My eyes shifted to his as I gently kissed him on the lips. My hands shifted to his cheeks, as his to my waist. I didn't know what happened to me. I don't know why I did that.

Our faces distanced. My hands slowly dropped from his face, even though he still held me close. We looked at each other one last time.

"No Tom, you don't. I'm not a pet for you to fucking play with. "

I turned around, scanned the ticket and ran to Katya, waiting for me in the line, leaving Tom heartbroken.


All this time I've spent in Berlin, felt like Heartstrings and gunshots. 

The end
(to be continued?)

____1234 words____
OH MY GOD I finally finished this book. Sorry if this was confusing, weird, didn't make sense at all, but I will reread my story and If I see any mistakes, I'll be sure to correct them or maybe change some parts up if they make no sense.
I am truly happy after finishing this, cause I started this whole story in summer 2023 and It took a lot of work, a lot of time and creativity and also considering that I have school, it's been really rough for me to write any chapters, but if you guys want another book and if yall don't want this story to end like this, I can always figure something out! :DD
Thank you all so much for voting, reading my story, I really appreciate it and I'm thinking of writing another book, that will be about a zombie apocalypse, SOOOOOO stay tuned! Love you all so so much especially the ones that came all this way. 💗

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