Chapter one

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Love after nikkah

How it  all  began.

     Hafsah was sitting on the  prayer  mat  in her  room crying profusely, she couldn't  help herself  but  cry,  after  crying her  eyes out. She  decided to think about  what  to do but  she  couldn't  because  of  the  pangs in her  head, as much as she  tried to  control  herself  she  couldn't  and she  burst  out crying aloud tha t  attracted the  attention of  her  brother. What  happened to you Hafsah?  Iqbal  asked. Iqbal  placed his hand on her forehead to feel  her  temperature  and it  was very hot! Subhanallah!  Iqbal  shouted What  is happening?  Please  talk to me, after  much persuasion w ith no reply, he  stood up and rushed to the  kitchen to get  her  a  cup of  water, he came  back and still  met  her  crying so he  gave  her  the  water, she reluctantly collected it  and drank  from  it, she  wanted to cry  again but Iqbal  quickly collected the  cup from her  and kept  it  on the  small  stool beside  her  bed. Am I  so bad that  you cannot  confide  in  me  again?  Iqbal  asked  as he  was already getting irritated. Hafsah signed... I  am  getting married in a  few  days, brother  Iqbal  and she  is mute  again.

Is that  why you are  crying?  Iqbal  asked  with confusion.I  don't  love  him!  She  finally said and there  was silence  in the  room. He  knew  he  needed to say something to calm  his dear  sister, so he cleared his throat. Hafsah dear!  I  understand your  feelings  but  there  is more  to marriage than love, you should ...... He  was saying when they heard the  call  to prayer. He  patted her  on her  back  and ask her  to say her  prayer.

Observe  your  prayer, and  ask Allah to  do the  best  for  you, I  will  be  back soon please  don't  cry again, you are  having pale  eyes  already....he  said and went  out  of  the  room.

FLASHBACK. Mr  and Mrs Taiwo is the  parent  to Hafsah, and she  was their  only daughter  who was well  trained and pampered, Mr  and Mrs Taiwo  was a very lovable  couple  of  their  time, people  use them  as a  reference  and many envy them, life  was moving smoothly but  not  without  fights when Mr  Taiwo's mother  suggested that  he  get  a  second  wife Mrs Taiwo is a  very pious  and Godfearing woman with an understanding of  the  deen, so she  accepted wholeheart edly The  second queen(Zainab)  was brought  into the  house  and they lived together  as one  family. A few  months later, things begin to change  in the  house. To cut  the  story short, Shaitan came  between the  family and Hafsah's parents divorced. Hafsah  continued to live  in her  father's  house  with sadness  and fear, her only friend was her  dear  brother  Iqbal, who always stood by her  side  and sometimes defended her  from  his stepmom  maltreatment.

She  was lucky to make  it  to the  higher  institution where  she  met Mustapha, Mustapha  was the  imam  in the  female's masjid who always led them  in prayer. She  fell  in love  with her  imam  but  she  was afraid to tell  anyone, not even his brother, so she  kept  the  feelings to herself  and tried to act normal  whenever  the  imam  was around . Days turned into weeks and weeks into months, they were  getting to the end of  the  session. She  was sitting down in her  room  in the  hostel  when her  phone  rang  and it  was a  strange  number, she  glanced  at  the  phone  screen and picked the call. Assalamu alayk um warahmatullah she  said. Wa'alaikum  salaam  warahmatullah dear  sister...she  heard from  the  other end. Lo and behold it  was her  imam, her  heart  missed a  beat. I  am  Mustapha, the  imam...he  was saying when she  interrupted Yes sir, I  know Good, I  got  your  num imam  said. ber  from  the  list  submitted in the  Mssn office. The Okay sir, how...may I  help you, sir..she  was stuttering I  have  finished my  exams and I  will  be  on my way home  in a  few minutes but  I  felt  the  need to express  myself  to you, sister  Hafsah I  want to marry you and her  phone  fell  from  her  hand. She  quickly picked it  up and said. Hello sir, Yes, sister, I  don't  want  a  haram  relationship with you that's why I  have been keeping this to myself. So I  will  like  to meet  you when you  come Home,.  OK sir, Hafsah said, I  wish you a  safe  trip. Thank you, sister, have  a  nice  day and the  call  disconnected Hafsah suddenly became  happy  and was feeling butterflies in her stomach. She  was happy.

************************ Months later
Ohhh!!  I  can see  someone  is happy.  Iqbal  said. Oh yes, I  am. Love  is sweet...Hafsah said,  rolling her  eyes. Iqbal  slightly hit  her, oh quiet  kiddo what  do you know  about  love. I  know  many things about  it  and it's getting sweeter  every day. Hafsah said. Don't  tell  me  you are  in a  haram  relationship?  It's sinful  you know  " Iqbal  asked. I  know  bro!  But  we  are  just  chatting and talking about  the  future. I  have never  visited him  and will  never  until  he  does the  needful... Hafsah answered OK sis, be  very careful  some  men are  scum...her  brother cautioned. The  love  birds continued till  the  final  year . Few  days of  going home, reality dawned on her  and she  was sad.

Umm Hibbatillah

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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