The tragic reality

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Unknown P.O.V.

It was sudden yet sad. Depressing and mysterious and only one person knew the truth of what happened during the two nights the Heartfilia family suddenly were dead except for one. And she is Lucy Heartfilia...

It all started years ago. They were once a normal family, the type of family that you will usually see on those cheesy tv shows; laughing, joking, arguing, teasing... Basically like one big happy family.

Those families will live like that forever right? Nope. Not the Heartfilias. Layla Heartfilia, wife of Jude Heartfilia and mother of Lucy Heartfilia, started to have so called 'hallucinations'.

Yes, 'hallucinations'. The thing that usually will drive people insane because only THEY can see them. But, is Layla's 'hallucinations', specifically what she sees is real?

Yes. The answer is yes as she was foolish to have lost her memories about her past including that THING that she has when she was just a toddler and got a concussion on her head because she tripped on nothing. Or is it nothing?

The answer is, Layla Heartfilia has the ability to SEE beyond seeing. You know like those ghost, demon, spirits, supernatural things? Yes, they do exist. It's just the fact that only a FEW have that cursed gift of being able to see them. But, even if they can see them, there's no point really. Unless you were born in a spirit hunter family, which unfortunately, Layla does but she doesn't remember because she was put in an orphanage right after she lost her memories of her past which leads her to think that what she sees isn't real anymore. Like a hallucination. That is what that led Layla to her insanity and eventually, suicide.

Of course Jude Heartfilia was depressed and needed someone to release that huge amount of stress and other mixed emotions which led him to blame poor innocent Lucy for his wife's and her mother's death. Want to know why? Oh well, it's because he wasn't there in the room where Layla gave birth to Lucy and right after that took out a knife out of nowhere and stabbed her neck, resulting in her instant death.

Layla actually left a letter before she killed herself. It simply said to not kill her child. Jude was frustrated that he couldn't kill the child and therefore wanted to get rid of Lucy as fast as possible but that possible is rather hmm... let's say IMPOSSIBLE as the night right after Lucy was born to this world and Layla's death, Jude was murdered, more like shot to death, which led our poor Lucy Heartfilia with no parents barely after a day she was born.

You must be wondering how Lucy grows up right? Did you expect me to put her in an orphanage? OF COURSE NOT! I took care of Lucy. Now wonder who am I? Silly, I'm just her nanny. What else do you expect.

I may be just a nanny but aren't you even a bit curious to how I know all of this? Well, time to let the cat out of the bag. It was I who made Layla insane, by giving her a pill when she caught the flu, healing her flu yet causing her gift to grow so strong until she was driven to the brink of insanity and it was also I who pulled the trigger of the gun that murdered Jude Heartfilia the night after Lucy was born.

Want to know why? It's a simple yet complicated reason if I elaborate on it so why should I elaborate on my reason? The simplified version of my reason is Revenge. I wanted revenge. Especially against Jude and Layla Heartfilia. Therefore, I want to see the Heartfilias suffer one by one and I want the last of Heartfilias, obviously Lucy, to suffer the most. Which is why I didn't dump her in the orphanage.

Oh. OH! I almost forgot to mention something. It was I who gave Layla the knife that she used to do suicide. Isn't it amazing, A servant that the masters trusted for years betraying them by killing them one by one, torturing them as I do so.

Are you now in suspense, really eager; wanting to know who I am? Well I am itching to tell you but for the sake of suspense, sorry but it's a no. Can't you see the tears flowing out from my eyes from not being able to tell you? Let's get back to business. Let us get back to the story and move on to Lucy shall we?

Lucy: My Need For REVENGE (A Nalu story)Where stories live. Discover now