A Tantrum of Jealously

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Terra woke up at the crack of dawn and rushed to her bathroom and looked in the mirror. Violent anger purple, blue and red bruises covered the upper part of her arms where the King had grabbed her yesterday. Terra knew she needed to cover them or else people would ask questions. Terra wondered how she would hide the bruises from Maria, Terra released she would need Maria's help in covering the bruises. Terra lied when Maria asked about the bruises. Terra said she had accidentally bashed into a door and then bashed into another door not long after. Maria didn't believe Terra's lie and urged her to tell her who did it so she could inform the king that one of his potential brides was hurt. Maria presumed that another contestant had harmed Terra. "No Maria" Terra pleaded desperately "Just dropped it it's not that big of a deal!". Maria looked dumbfounded at Terra before shrieking "Not that big of a deal!?! Terra you have two very nasty bruises on your arms of course its a big deal!". Maria placed her hands gently on Terra's shoulders. "Listen Terra if someone is blackmailing or threatening you, you don't need to worry I'm sure the King won't take it lightly that one of the other contestants hurt someone else!" Maria said to try to urge Terra into telling her what happened. "It wasn't a contestant" Terra told Maria. This only made Maria anger and more fiercely protective of Terra. "You tell me which motherf*cker did this to you and rest assured I will deal with them personally!".
Terra sighed and knew she had to tell Maria, or else Maria would go and attack what ever servant she was most suspicious of and who she thought would hurt Terra for some reason. "It was the King" Terra revealed and Maria kept her mouth shut. She knew better than to threaten the King within the palace, she also knew she couldn't do anything to help Terra. Maria pulled Terra into a hug and rubbed her back in soothing circles.

Maria helped Terra pick out a dress that would cover her arms fully to avoid any bit of the bruise showing. Terra had to go for the first challenge of the competition, Terra didn't know what she was about the face and Maria wasn't allowed to tell her. Maria had left Terra's hair down so Terra presumed it wasn't going to be a very physically taxing challenge. Maria finished adjusting the dress Terra was wearing, a long light green dress with sleeves that went just past her elbow. The neckline was a small v-neck and Maria had place a small gold chain with a silver moon crescent around Terra's neck. Terra's makeup matched the dress. Terra had asked Maria why most of her dresses were shades of green. Maria had explained that since there were so many of us right now that the King didn't want to waste his time with having to remember names of people who won't be here long so he is trying to save the effort of having to remember the names of the women he would let go. Maria had assured Terra that different options will be available to her the more she progresses in the competition. Terra had a feeling that the King would only keep Terra around as long as it took for Rioc Hamerfort to be captured.

Terra was sitting in the room she was in when she first arrived at the palace. She looked along the guards who stood rigidly by the walls and she saw Sir Darryl among then but he looked a bit different. His hair was shorter and he had a nasty looking burn scar at the side of his face and neck. The majority of his face wasn't damaged except for the right side of his lower jaw, neck and a bit of the ear on that side as well. Terra wanted to go over to him and see if he was alright. She hadn't seen him around the place much and Terra guessed the injury he had gotten somehow was why. Maria guided Terra to her assigned seat which was far too close to the seat the King would be sitting in for her liking. Terra seat was right beside the King's seat and it was across from Princess Ruby's seat.

The rest of the girls piled into the room, Lady Willow's seat was the one next to Terra and she was not happy at all with the seating arrangement. "I'm Gael's best friend!" She whined to her maid who looked like she wanted to be anywhere else "I should be the one to sit right next to him". Lady Willow's maid said something to her and Lady Willow sat down on her seat in a huff. The King soon arrive and took his seat. He greeted the girls in front of him in his usual cold voice that lacked any positive emotions. His eyes looked at each giro in the group and his eyes lingered on Terra for a moment longer than the look he gave the others. This upset Lady Willow bit she kept her mouth shut, she may have been a bit spoiled and rude but she knew better than to cause a fuss in front of so many people. Terra and a few of the other girls could tell that Lady Willow was jealous.

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